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October 20, 2018           Dean's P.O.V. 

"Get back here you ass hat!" I could here Violet yelling from some where in the bunker.

"Fight me bitch!" I've never heard Jack swear before but I'm pretty sure they're fighting

I walked out of my room and a knife flew past me and I heard something shatter. "Sorry Dean. Get back here!" Violet ran past me after Jack. 

"Cas I'm going to go talk to Sam, you coming?" I looked back at Cas laying on the bed. 

"No thank you Dean. I'm going to stay here where it is safe and probably take a nap." Cas was cuddled up in the blankets. 

"I thought angels didn't need sleep?" Cas looked at me once I said that

" Well I have been sleepy." He said as he cuddled back up in the blankets.

"ok." I said as I walked out of my room and walked to the kitchen where Sam was. "Can you go calm down your daughter?" 

"Can Cas go calm down his niece and nephew?" Sam was sipping on his coffee. "It's a war zone right now do you think I want to get between those two?" 

"Well you daughter is throwing knives and Cas is sleepy" I grabbed my self a cup of coffee and sat down next to him. "What started this fight?" 

"I honestly don't know they just started yelling at each other." we both took a swig of our coffee. "Wait I thought angels didn't sleep?" 

" I thought so too but Cas said he was sleepy" I looked to the door way and saw a knife fly past. 

"ok." Sam was watching the door way too. "Maybe Claire or Dan know why they'r fighting" 

"I'll go ask them" I got up and looked out the door way. I didn't see Jack or Violet so I walked over to the Dean cave. Once there I closed the door behind me and Claire and Dan were playing foosball. "Hey guys."

"Sup Dean." Claire was concentrated on their game. 

"Hi Dean" as Dan said that Claire shot the ball and she won the game. "Aw come on!" 

"Yeah!" Claire started jumping up and down. " Any way what do you need Dean?" 

"Do you two know why Violet and Jack are fighting?" I patted Dan on the shoulder and whispered, "It's ok, She is really good at this game.".

"I think they are fighting because Jack refused to give Violet a rematch." Clair had a smile on her face from beating Dan in foosball. 

"Yeah that's when they started yelling at each other." Dan was walking over to the couch. 

"Ok thank you, I'm going to go and try to stop them now." I walked out of the room and I heard a scream coming from down stairs. I went down stairs and Violet had Jack cornered in the dungeon. "Stop!" 

Violet swung her head around, "I'm not going to hurt him I just want a rematch.". 

"I won fare and square" Jack sounded really angry.

"Ok, ok lets just calm down and Violet put down the knife" I slowly walked over to Violet. "Violet it's ok to loose just practice and then have a rematch." It all went silent and Violet dropped the knife and went up stairs. Jack Said thanks and then he went up stairs. I picked up Violet's knife and put it in her room, and I went back to my room and Cas was sitting on the bed."Hey babe."

"Hello Dean. I don,t here any more yelling, did you get them to stop?" Cas looked like he just woke up.

"Yup I did." My stomach started to growl. I haven't have anything to eat all day. "Hey I'm going to go get something to eat, do you want to come?"

"Yes!" Cas jumped up and was on his feet ready to go.

"Are you going to change?" Cas was wearing one of my baggy tee shirts with a pair of Jeans.

"Nope I'm good, lets go and get some food." Cas walked out of the room and I fallowed.

 We got into the Impala and as we drove to get food Cas had his hand just laying on the seat. I put my hand on his and I could see him smile out of the corner of my eye. We got there and I pulled up to the drive through window. I said what I wanted, "Can I get and burger with pie."

"Make that two burgers with fries too." said Cas leaning over towards me. 

We drove up and got our food and Cas started to eat his food, "Are you ok Cas?". 

He swallowed his bite, "Yes, Why?".

"Well Cas you told me so many times that angels don't need to sleep or eat and here you are shoving a burger in your mouth and you had a two hour long nap today. I'm just curious." like it's ok if he's trying to be more human but he has me worried.

"Thank you for caring about me Dean but I'm fine." he took another bite of his burger. 

"Ok, good." I didn't tell him that I heard him throwing up yesterday, I don't think angels can get sick but I'll have to check the lour when I get home. 

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