Perfectly Matched

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After a while, they separate but of course, their spiritual connection stays strong even after they separate into Sam and Phoenix. 

"That was awesome! The best thing I have ever seen," Dan exclaims enthusiastically. 

"Are you kidding me!? That wasn't just awesome!" Sam says, "That was badass! I never thought of myself as that strong or powerful, but I now know I have always had it in me, my friend just helped me fully realize my potential."

It seems to me that she has never said anything similar since it leaves her husband stunned and speechless. 

A few moments later, he is back to his old jovial self: "Let's get me my magical! I want to be that cool, too." 

He doesn't seem to care about Flyjoy's warnings that it is never the same for two beings connecting. All he wants to do is reconnect as soon as possible. 

So his wife takes Pete, and we go to search for Dan's magical.

Honestly speaking, I have no idea how we are supposed to find his magical since humans have a very weak feeling of their magical brethren, but I am up for the challenge. 

Even Flyjoy, who always seems to have all the answers, isn't sure where we should go. 

Out of nowhere ripe red tomatoes come flying our way, and our clothes are smeared by the tomato juice. 

I am so stunned that I have no idea what happened. 

I mean there we are in the middle of the reconnection of two worlds, and someone is throwing tomatoes at us?! 

That is the last thing I would expect at such an important time in our lives.

It turns out that the tomatoes are thrown at us by a gargoyle who is sitting on top of the nearby building. 

He is the size of a small child and very strangely shaped, as any gargoyle. He isn't mean, just very mischievous. 

We looked too serious, so he thought that tomatoes would help us cheer up. 

It doesn't work for most of us, but Dan suddenly perks up and the gargoyle flies down landing on his shoulder which looks quite awkward since he is too big to sit there comfortably. 

"Brother!" the gargoyle says excitedly. 

"Friend!" Dan responds. 

They smile broadly at each other, and we can all see the invisible connection between them being formed. 

They do a kind of awkward handclasp that seems so normal for them and the connection is finalized.

Although there are no sparks, or fire, or any huge bang he expected, Dan seems quite satisfied with his magical connection. 

They immediately start whispering to each other and laughing happily while the rest of us stand there dripping with tomato juice, unamused. 

Everyone seems to have been predestined to connect with someone who would understand their sentiments perfectly, but they are by no means the same. 

As we stand there looking at the newly connected, I have this strange feeling of being pulled somewhere. 

That is when Flyjoy tells me that Peace wants to see us. 

There will be another Council meeting, but this time both the magicals and the humans are invited, some big decisions are about to be made and I don't know what to expect.  

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