Chapter 3

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Kate was still underground till she came to some tools and there was creatures and people in there, so she looked closely and saw Dominique in one, she was yelling and screaming to get out, so Kate went to the keyboard and tried to find the release button, but it was in print till she found a big red button and clicked it and it released her friend and she ran over to her to help her up "dom you ok",Kate asked, "took you long enough what couldn't you do",dom said, "sorry you know I can only read Braille and the keyboard was print",Kate said, "ok well let's get out of here",Dominique said, "ok but what about all these other creatures, shouldn't we help them to",Kate said, "curse you and your big heart, fine help me load them on to the right shipping place",dom said, Kate nodded then they worked together to get all the other creatures home, after they were done they were exhausted So they just layed down and waited for some more energy "hey Dominique can I tell you a secret",Kate asked, dom looked up at her and nodded "ok but if I do you can't tell no one else ever, promise",Kate said, "yes I'll never tell anyone else now please tell me",dom asked, "ok I kate drakon am the princess to the dragon queen and am next in line for the throne",Kate said, then Dominique started to laugh but then she looked at Kate not laughing and knew she was serious "oh Kate is it true, I don't wanna lose you",dom said, "it's ok when I am ready you will be by my side all the way, we're best friends and if my mom says no I'll just ignore her",Kate said, dom hugged her and promised to keep her secret, then they left to go to class and lunch

After class was done Kate went to lunch where she was pulled into the shadows where all her friends were waiting "is it true",Valerie asked, "is what true",katie asked, "your pretty princess",Valerie asked, while all the kids looked at her, "yes but I'm not going to become a pretty pink princess like Britney, I'll always love dark and you guys are my people",Kate said, "so what does that mean when your queen, what will you do",Vic said, "I will make sure no one ever where's poofy or bright color things, and make more classes for our kind",Kate said, they all cheered for her, Kate was mad Dominique told them her secret, but was glad she was going to make changes for her darkkind, then she went over to Dominique "really I thought I told you it was a secret dom, who else knows",Kate asked, "I know I promised but they needed to know so you can help when you're queen but no one else knows, no one speaks to our kind besides other shadows/darks so calm down and have lunch",dom said, then Kate calmed down and ate until the bell rang but instead Dominique pulled her to the library and wondered what she was doing

At the library dom got a very big book and went to check it out "hello miss Librarian i would like to check this book out please",dom said, she looked at Dominique "oh of corse miss Black careful that's the only other copy I have of that book",said the librarian, Dominique nodded and got the book then dragged Kate back to their dorm they shared

"Dominique what are we doing, we are going to get in so much trouble if the professors find we're gone",Kate yelled, "calm down this is to help you and I give them sick notes that we were sick today",dom said, "what the hell, what is so important you had to do that",Kate asked still freaking out, "to help you write and read print",domsaid, "that's why you did all this, your a good friend but do crazy things for me",Kate said, "good now get down here and we can start on your reading and writing, do you know how to spell all these words",Dominique said, Kate nodded then sat next to her and learned about print writing and reading instead of Braille

After learning so much from dom she was ready to take a writing test, so she pretended to write a letter to the professor and when she was done she handed it to Dominique and she looked over it and told kate what was wrong, so she practiced till she got writing down, so Dominique brought her some books and showed her how to read print and every few minutes she would read as much as she could while Dominique timed her, sheread better each time till she read the whole book in the amount of time she was given, so then Dominique hugged her and told her how proud she was of Kate, so then she returned the book and came back to just hang out with Kate

In the morning Kate got up and ready then went to flying class and brought crystal out to train till one of her professors called her "miss drakon come here now",he said, "what is it sir I'm trying to do school work to make up from yesterday and extra work",kate said, "oh miss drakon why are you here, your suppose to be at the castle",he said, she wondering what he was saying, "no I go here don't you remember me and Dominique live together",kate said, "what no miss black lives with miss west",he said, then she freaked out but was waken by Dominique

In Kate's room she opened her eyes sweating and crying "kate you ok you were screaming and trying to leave the room",dom said, Kate hugged her "oh dom it was a terrible nightmare",kate said, "are you ok, do need anything or wanna talk about it",Dominique asked, "it was so bad I don't want to talk about it but could you get me a glass of water",kate said, dom nodded then returned with it and went back to bed while Kate just layed awake, she didn't want to go back to the nightmares so she got up and went foe a walk to calm herself

Outside of her dorm she started to walk and crystal came out "hey Kate you ok, you should get back to sleep",crystal said, "no I'm not tired and I don't wanna see those nightmares, mom shouldn't have told me that I'm a princess, I fell weird now",kate said, "hey your the same girl I know so don't think of those things",crystal said, "thanks for the cheer up but I just need to be alone and take a walk",kate said, crystal nodded then she continued her walk

While that happened someone bursted through Dominique and Kate's dorm room and held dom up against the wall "what the hell do you want",dom asked, "tell me who the dragon princess is and you won't be harmed",said unknown, "never now leave",dom said, but then Kate was in the doorway sensing Dominique in danger "hey what the hell do you think your doing to my best friend, get away from her",kate yelled with her dragon showing "haha so you are real my dear",he said, "what do you want with me",kate asked, then he revealed himself "miss Kate drakon I am simon and I'm here to take you to the dragon castle so you can rule while your mother is gone or died",he said, "what no fucking way am I leaving I'm still in school and learning",kate said, "well you'll have to stop and come with me",he said, but then Kate dialed her mother and waited for her to pick up "hello Kate what is it",Karen asked, "mom!! They found me",kate yelled, "who sweetie who did",Karen asked, "the dragon kingdom and they are taking me away since they can't find you",kate said, "what how",Karen said, but then Kate was cut off so Karen teleported to Kate's dorm

In the dorm Karen saw the gaurd taking Kate "haunt put my daughter down",Karen said, then Simon turned around and dropped Kate, she ran over to her mother "mom what do we do",kate asked, then she pushed Kate away, "here I am now what do you need from me",Karen said, "you needed back at the kingdom and start to rule",he said, "fine as long as Kate can continue here and stay safe",Karen said, he nodded, then she turned to Kate and Dominique, "Dominique make sure Kate is safe and let no one harm her, goodbyefor now sweetie I love you",Karen said and left and casted a new spell over the dragon world then left while kate huggeddom then went to sleep and waited for what she thought would come tomorrow

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