Chapter 10

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Simon was walking to his room from guard duty but heard something from the bathroom "kate are you in there",Simon asked, "yeah what you want I'm getting ready for bed",kate said, "ok just checking",he said, then he left and she came out and went to her room and waited for her three days to be over

After the three days have passed kate got back to her normal routine and went to school, went to detention, ate breakfast and dinner, and hanged out with Dominique until it was the day for the wedding

Kate got up and dressed in her black and red dress, did her Hair and went downstairs and saw her sister in her dress too then they ate dinner then it was time for the wedding, so they went to the alter and saw Simon waiting for their mom to walk down the alter, so they took their seats and waited for it to start, then the music started and their mother walked down in her beautiful wedding dress  and walked so gracefully to Simon

At the alter Karen looked at her beautiful girls and at Simon who looked handsome in his tuxedo "now is everyone here",asked the priest, Karen and Simon nodded, "ok we are gathered here today to wed miss Karen drakon and mister Simon now does anyone here object to this marriage speak now or forever hold your peace",the priest said, but no one spoke, "ok now you may say your vows and exchange rings",the priest said, they said and did what he said "now do you Simon take Karen as your lovey wedded wife",the priest said, "I do",Simon said, "ok and do Karen do you take Simon as your husband",the priest said, "I do",she said, "I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride",the priest said, then they kissed and Kate ran out of there, after they kissed they wanted to celebrate with Dominique and Kate , so they went to go look for her but couldn't find her not even in the bathroom

While that happen kate transformed into her dragon and flew to her school"hey Kate why are you running away from them, I thought you were happy and ok with the marriage",snow said, "I am just I need to get use to seeing him as my dad but not now, it's gonna take time but right now I just wanna be by myself",kate said, snow nodded then Kate dropped down and transformed and went inside the school that for some reason was unlocked so she went in and sat in a class thinking about stuff till she saw him

In the class josh was going into clean as part as his punishment but when he walked in and saw Kate again and wondered why she was here and what she was doing "hey princess what's up",josh said, "don't call me that and what are you doing here",kate asked, "cleaning the school as part as my punishment so what are you doing girly",he said, "trying to get away from my parents and did the headmaster give you it or did your parents give you it",she said, "my mom told headmaster I would, but what did your parents punish you princess little princess don't worry everyone is not perfect",he said, "yes my dad did and I know that but they just got married and my mom just wants to forget my old dad, but how could you know you probably have a strike dad and mom that make you tough",she said, "no princess I don't I only have a mom and I wish my mom would find a new guy my dad left us and what punishment did he give you",he said, "oh I'm sorry josh I didn't know, stop with the princess stuff, and I was grounded in my room for three days with no food and just did homework which drove me crazy and hungry",she said, his eyes widened "kate that's bad shouldn't you tell the police or something besides me",he said, "no I don't care about it I'm over it plus tell me again why were talking",she said, "cause you need to cheer up and we're friends and ok",he said, "haha josh your funny why would we go through all this trouble if we're friends",she said, "cause that's how it goes I push your buttons and you hurt it's fun instead of your good girl that does everything right",he said, "hey I don't do everything right i have another side of me",she said, "really show me",he said sarcastically, then she hit him "I'll show you or we could just keep talking about stupid stuff",she said, then he just look at her and waited, then she showed him her dragon, then he smiled then she turned back to normal"why are you smiling at me like that josh",she asked, then he got out of his daze and looked at her "oh just have you heard of a dragon eater",he said, "yeah why",she asked, but she was stuffed in a bag and taken somewhere

At the castle Karen, Simon, and Dominique were still searching for kate but couldn't find her so they started to look in other places she would be at besides the castle but still couldn't find her so they started to get worried about her, Karen and Simon were starting to panic if they couldn't find kate

While that happened kate opened her eyes and she was in a cage with josh and another woman "please kate don't be scared I am the real josh and this is my real mom, the josh who has been going to school with is a copy cat disguised as me and is a dragon eater out for us and his mother is also one",josh said, "what the how could you let a dragon eater into your home",kate asked, "Iowa's an accident they barged in and locked us up, I'm sorry kate, but if we get out of here I hope we can be friends and hope I can do something to make this up",he said, "of corse josh we can",she said, but then he came in "awe isn't that nice the princess made up with joshy",Blake said, "who are you, let us go",kate said, "no princess you stay they can leave mom is waiting for you",Blake said, then he threw josh and his mom out and took Kate to his mom she turned around and looked at Kate "ahh thank you for getting her son, now in the pot my dear",she said, "no I'm not gonna die like my father did, do something else but don't eat me",kate said, "ok you will be under my control",she said then did a spell, "ok now go home and killed your royal family",she said, "yes master",kate said then left to go home and hurt her family

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