Comfort Kisses

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Neither of them remembered how it started anymore.

Maybe it was the time Adrien walked up to Marinette and greeted her with a nonchalant peck on the cheek, taking most of their class by surprise and Marinette almost fainting in surprise and embarrassment.

Or maybe it was when Adrien had given her the perfect gift for her birthday and she had been so overwhelmed with happiness that she leapt forward and kissed his cheek in thanks.

Or it could have been the time that Adrien took her to one of his photoshoots, only for the photographer to notice her off to the side and deciding that the composition would be better if they were both in the shot.

The photographer instructing them to kiss, as the cologne campaign was based around love and sex appeal. Adrien smiled at her, completely at ease in his element as he cupped her face, whispering "Relax" before pressing his lips quickly to hers. Marinette melted against him, feeling him wrap his arms around her, holding her steady.

When the photographer announced that he got the shot, Adrien pulled away and smiled down at her, congratulating her on a job well done before walking off to get some water. When the shoot was over, Marinette tentatively approached him and questioned him about it, to which he replied;
"Friends can kiss, Marinette."

And now, it was situation normal.

As Marinette walked into class that morning, late as per usual, she walked right up to Adrien and greeted him.

"Good morning, Adrien." She said warmly, leaning down to peck him on the lips, her lips curling up at the edges in a smile.

"Morning, Mari." He smiled back.
What the pair didn't notice was Chloe glaring at their exchange from her seat, face flushed in anger and jealousy as Marinette took her seat next to Alya.

"You're a lot more confidant with him now." Alya whispered to her friend as Marinette placed her books on the table to start the lesson. Marinette simply blushed lightly and nodded, looking down at the handsome blond in front of her.

"It may not be how I'd imagined it would be, but I'm savouring every moment I can." Marinette whispered back. "I fully expect him to wake up one day and not want to have this kind of friendship anymore." She murmured, feeling Tikki's comforting weight against her thigh, reassuring her.


When class was over, everyone slowly filled out, leaving Marinette one of the last to gather her things to go to their next lesson. Looking up from her belongings, Marinette came face to face with a sneering Chloe, glaring daggers at the raven-haired girl.

"Since when do you think it's okay to be going around kissing my Adrikins?" She growled.

"I-I'm sorry?" Marinette blinked, confused. "Adrien and I are friends, Chloe. Friends can kiss." She defended, feeling her heart clench painfully at saying those words out loud.

"Hah!" She laughed humourlessly. "We're French, but not that French. If that were the case, he would be kissing me too. Or Alya. Or Rose. Or Alix. Or any other girl in the class." Said Chloe, her voice raising.
"What makes you so god damn special? Huh? You come from nothing. You ARE nothing. Just some little Asian baker's kid who will never amount to anything and will never be good enough to be with someone like Adrien. Never good enough to get an actual kiss from him." She cried, smirking evilly at the shocked, hurt expression on Marinette's face.

Clenching her jaw, Marinette pushed past Chloe and Sabrina, who had been hiding behind the wrathful blond, and made it to the door when her lip started to tremble and her vision blurry.

Not wanting anyone to see her, Marinette rushed down the stairs to the bathrooms, shoving the door to the locker rooms open as she slumped onto the benches and sobbed.

Was Chloe right?

Would Adrien ever see her as anything more than a friend?

These thoughts continued to break her heart, her tears flowing freely down her face as her body shook violently with sobs, her hand over her mouth to muffle her gut-wrenching cries.

She sat there, trying to calm herself, she heard the door burst open to reveal none other than the boy causing her so much inner turmoil.

"Marinette! What's wrong? What happened?" Adrien asked, rushing over to her, dropping his satchel on the ground as he knelt in front of her, trying to look into her eyes.
"Please talk to me." He said softly, concern swimming in his vibrant green eyes.

"Why, Adrien?" She asked, confusing him by the accusatory nature of her words.
"Why me? Why is our friendship different to what you have with anyone else?" She asked, opening her eyes enough for him to see the tears swimming at the edges of her bloodshot eyes.

"What are you taking about?" He asked, placing a reassuring hand on her knee.

"You don't kiss any of the other girls in class. Only me. What makes me different? What's so special about our relationship for you to kiss me?" She asked, slowly taking her hand away from her mouth, licking her dry lips.

"I guess I'm not as close with the other girls as I am with you." He answered weakly, knowing it didn't sound right as soon as the words left his mouth.
"Ugh, I'm not explaining myself properly." He grumbled in frustration, standing up before coming to sit beside her, wrapping his arms around her comfortingly. Cupping her face, he brushed her tears away with his thumb as he placed a soft kiss on the crown of her head as she continued to cry.

"Did someone say something to you?" Adrien asked carefully, tilting her face up to look in her watery eyes.

"C-Chloe. S-She..." Marinette tried to get the words out, but they stuck in her throat painfully.

"Shh..." He soothed gently, peppering kisses on her forehead and cheeks. "It's okay. You don't have to tell me." He said, placing a firm kiss on her forehead.
"What can I do?" He asked, tenderly stroking her cheek with his thumb.

"K-Kiss me?" She replied quietly, choking back a sob. Smiling sadly down at her, Adrien cupped her face in both hands and placed a lingering peck on her lips.

"No!" She cried, her voice cracking as more tears streaked down her cheeks. "I mean an actual kiss." She begged. Adrien's eyes widened in surprise, torn about how to proceed.

"Mari, I..." He started, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

"I-it doesn't have to mean anything. Just... Please... Kiss me." She hiccupped, looking up at him with tear-filled melancholy eyes.

His heart pounding in his chest, Adrien nodded, licking his lips anxiously as he cupped her face again and slowly leant in until his lips met hers.

Adrinette Comfort Kisses - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now