Burning Village: Magena's Perspective

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Chapter 1: Magena's perspective

I smell the filthy air of burning wood and straw. The thickness of the smoke burns my nose, its vaporizing smell brings tears to my eyes every time I talk, It fills my lungs with an excessive amount of smog that makes me cough at least every time I move. It feels like I smoke a boundless amount of cigars. I look to look below me and I see twigs and sand covered on my piqued feet, then I slowly move my eyes up to my dress made out of buffalo skin that I have been wearing for two years.

My village was destroyed not so long ago, there had been an invasion .People from a village called Igoduna, have been kidnapping people, stealing our food, and destroying our property. They were just like an envious village that always wanted there village to be rich because our village used to be one of the richest places in the world, but now it is the poorest place in the world. Illinois has always been rich, we are very caring of our property, but the Igodunanians were too strong for us, that they destroyed everything we owned. We were getting ready for war, but how could we when the population was decreasing rapidly. The Igodunanians are so greedy that they came for more, so that's why I have to take extra care of my little brother.

My little brother and I brother live in a home made of straw, our home is so tiny that all we can do in here is sleep and eat. Well that's all I really do in this boring life I have. We have to crawl out from our tiny hut if we want to go outside, sometimes it even claustrophobic and suffocating thst I feel like I would faint anytime soon. My brother and I live alone; I take care of both of us. Our parents got kidnapped, oh wait more like adultnapped, while we all were sleeping some invaders came in our home and snatched both of my parents it was the most horrifying day of my life, I heard her screaming and crying, I woke up that night and tried to fight the invaders, but of course I couldn't , the men were really buff and I was a weak 14 yearn old and they didn't want to kidnap us for some reason, but they kidnapped other children. I guess my brother and I are lucky. Now that I'm 16 I've always missed my mom and dad even more every single day that I've lived.

Everyday I remember my mother as beautiful as anything in the universe, her skin as soft as a pillow, her complexion was the color of caramel mixed with milk. Her voice was melodious; it always warmed my heart every time I was crestfallen. She made a delicious meal it was called pemmican which is pulverized meat and some beans and she makes it with delicious fry bread, I know it sounds like a typical meal, but her hands are like magic every time she made special meals. My father was a strong man. He always made everything right, he was so caring and bold. He owned a meat shop where he would hunt huge animals like bears and deer, sometimes he would bring some meat for us at home which will make life much easier for us by not having to hunt. If anybody hurt us in anyway, he will make them never hurt us again. Everyday I still wonder how he got adultnapped, he was so strong and clever. My mother's name was Rozene and my fathers name was Élan. They named me Magena and they named my brother Jacy.

"Magena, I'm hungry" my brother said "ok" I replied as I rolled my eyes. " stay here, don't you dare move" I said with a serious tone, I crawled outside and stood up on my bare feet, it looks like it's morning, so I'll make a light meal. I walk over and get some fire wood, I rubbed them together and made a fire " hey Jacy can you go hunt a deer outside" I implied

"No, I'm scared, what if there are invaders, don't you smell the ashes, or maybe you just don't care about me" he replied ferociously

"Fine, I'll go" I replied filled with anger. I went back outside and brought my spear, I couldn't find any animal, I went deep into my village, and then I noticed that it was getting dark. I wonder how long I've been hunting. Wait! I saw something move , I got my spear and I've found the perfect spot to throw it , I threw my spear and I think I got something! Oh my goodness I killed a rat, it was plump, dark brown, was as long as my dad's spear, which was very lengthy .Well maybe it will taste good, its an enormous rat, which can feed both my brother and I. Well we really don't have a choice of whether to be picky with our food or not, because the Igodunanians captured all of our animals. Oh what about water, I found an empty bucket, so I walked over to a pond and filled it up with water.

Oh no! Its night now, I have to hurry home Jacy must be starving. I ran home, it was a very long run, well I sorta needed it, and I've been a slug lately. It looked really late, the sky was indigo with beautiful stars shining above, the crescent moon was delightful to watch, but I couldn't even see what was in front of me, and I would never make this careless mistake of leaving my brother at home for so long. When I got home my tiny hut on fire, the flames burst out filling more smoke into my lungs. I got my bucket of water and poured it on my home, but that didn't help at all. Oh no Jacy, where is he "Jacy, Jacy, Jacy!" I yelled, "No!" I fell to my knees and started crying and coughing, the smoke was so strong. My home was burned down to the core. "Why are you crying" Jacy said as he just appeared. "Where were you, I thought you died!" I cried

"I was just getting berries, I was starving, and I thought the invaders kidnapped you so I was scared" he replied

"Don't you ever do that again" I yelled

"I apologize, but where are we going to stay"

"Follow me" I said

We started walking around looking for a place to sleep, but we couldn't find any place, so we decided to go into the forest. "Let's go deep in the forest" I said

"I'm hungry and tired, we shouldn't go anywhere far" Jacy said

"Well I don't want invaders to come and kidnap us, so we need to go somewhere safe" I replied

" wow, now you're talking about safe, Magena we didn't even have a door in our home and you never worried about invaders, and its night time we don't know where we are going" he said

"Fine" I implied

I always hate when my 11 year old brother is smarter than me. I mean I went to school for 5 years and learned many things, I learned mathematics and astronomy and I was very young to learn some of these things, I was 8. I had a really good friend, her name was Lomasi, she was really beautiful, she had dark brown eyes, dark caramel skin, and she had very long silky black hair. We were even neighbors, we came to each others house everyday, her parents were really nice but she was very poor, so sometimes she had dinner with my family, but seven years ago she moved to another village because her parents needed to move somewhere they can work to get money. I spent the rest of my two years in school being lonely and sad. I really missed her. When I was 11 I had to drop out of school because the village was struggling with money so my parents couldn't afford paying for my school fees , but Lomasi could go to school for free because in her ancestry her ancestor helped the village gain power in society and in everything. I thought her family deserved more, not just a free pass to go to school, but jobs for the parents, or a bigger house, or even both.

Well my point is that I went to school for five years and my brother didn't go to school at all and he seems smarter than me not only mentally, but academically.

"Alright get your bear coat and sleep" I said

"But I'm hungry" he said

"Just sleep" I replied

While he fell asleep I watched out for deadly snakes and wild animals. I was really tired though, but I wanted to keep us safe. Well that couldn't work I've already fallen asleep, "cork" a heard a sound, as soon as I heard it I jumped up and got my bow and arrow "anyone there" I screamed, I looked around, it looks like morning , it's a little light outside, but I felt something missing. I just went back asleep, I woke up some time later, but Jacy wasn't here! " Jacy, Jacy" I screamed. I am gonna hurt him, this is the second time. Let me wait for some time, and I did, I can't take this anymore!

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