Chapter 2: Jacy's perspective

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Chapter 2: Jacy's perspective

I can't find my way back to my sister, oh no, she must be angry at me. Prepare to get yelled at. I mean all I want to do is find food for my sister and I so we can survive, she doesn't understand I'm 11 and I will be turning 12 pretty soon and I'm a boy , I should be able to do hard working things. I think men should be the ones hunting and women should be cooking, it makes so much sense!

I remember my mom, she would always trust me, and everyday my dad and I would go hunting but I was five so he would place me on his back with buffalo skin wrapped around me connecting me to my father, I would always watch. When we come back home with fresh buffalo meat my mom would jump up with excitement and hug the life out of me, her skin was so soft and it smelled like honeysuckle and fresh berries, then she would kiss my father and make a buffalo feast, the special meal was different depending on how big the buffalo was , if it was small my mom would make buffalo stew with bean bread, if it was medium sized my mom would make buffalo stew with corn bread and she would invite my sister's friend Lomasi and her family, and if the buffalo was massive my mom would call my grandma over to make nokake, then my mom would make buffalo stew, succotash which was a trio of lima beans, tomatoes and corn, and then my mom will invite the whole family. We always treasured buffalo here in this village and in Illinois, that's why the Igodunanian's come to this village, we have the most buffalo, at least 70,000 are scattered all over this village. My grandma was from the Algonquin people and my grandpa was from the Cherokee people. My mother was from the Lakota people, so they would always make meals from their tribes so we get all a sort of meals, but my mom mastered them all.

My mom and my dad are from two different places. My mom is from the western part of the United States. She was from North and South Dakota she spoke the Siouan language. She moved from South Dakota because there had been so many diseases coming around, and at that time her mother had died of smallpox. She didn't want the same thing happening to her so her father and she sailed to Illinois to live, but her father died several years after they've lived there. My father was from the southeastern part of the United States. He was from the Carolinas he spoke Cherokee which is an Iroquoian language, he first had a mother from the Cherokee people but his mother died from a deadly sickness. He moved to Illinois because the Cherokee fought with the Yamasee, Catawba, and the British, and they also had a Tuscarora war, so him and his father sailed to Illinois without getting injured, but it was very rough at times. Later on his father married an Algonquin who is now my grandma. My dad really loved my grandma like his birth mom. Well some years later my mom and dad met and they got married and had my sister and me. My name means moon because my mother and father met on a lunar eclipse. My sister's name means moon as well because that was a really important day for my parents.

I'm starting to cry because I miss them so much!

"Jacy!" I hear my sister screaming, so I run over to her

"What, I just collected two geese eggs for us to eat" I yelled

"Oh really you should have told me, but no you just have to sneak and leave" she yelled, then she pushed me

"Don't you know how scared I was?"

I'm always a calm person so I just took everything in a nice calmly manner

"I'm sorry Magena, I just think I'm old enough to leave without me asking you, but you're right so, I'm sorry" I said calmly

"Good" she said

"Finally your right I guess someone knocked a little sense into her" I murmured

"I heard that" she yelled

"Oh and that's going to affect how much rat I'm giving you" she said

"Rat!" Oh yum, we are going to eat rat today. Nice joke Magena now you have a sense of humor all of a sudden, what has gotten into you." I laughed

"This isn't a joke Jacy" she replied

"W-w-w-what you're serious! That is disgusting and... and... and"

"You know what we really don't have a choice Jacy, you can choose to eat this or to refuse" she interrupted.

"Fine I'll eat it" I said softly

I can't believe I'm doing this! While my sister is roasting the rat I hand her the two geese eggs

"Thanks" she says

" uh-huh" I reply, I just took some time to rest and I let the hunger die outta me, wait more like I'm gonna die of the hunger getting into me, ha, wait doesn't that make sense, who cares. I start to shut my eyes, finally I get to relax my muscles.

"Jacy, wake up the food's ready" my sister shouts.

Wow that felt like two seconds, it got darker outside so I know it was a long time that I've been sleeping, that rat must've been very juicy and plump, just by the thought of that makes me want to throw up , my sister handed me a leaf with the egg and the rat on it. "Why is the leaf decorated with berries" I asked,

"Because, I want to celebrate today, our first day living in a quiet forest, and our first day of survival, we are all in one piece" she replied

I was scared to bite into the rat, first I watched my sister eat the chopped up pieces, and I started laughing.

"What's funny" she said while eating

"Oh nothing, fine ok uumm... I love the way you chew, it sounds weird but I do" I laughed, she ignored me, but she chews just like dad. I carefully picked up one piece of the rat and I stuffed it in my mouth, well she took the hair off, the eyes, the nose, and tail, and yes I have to admit the rat taste really good, except for the tangy taste at the end.

"Hahahaha" my sister laughed

"What" I said

"Oh nothing, well ok aahh... I hate the way you chew"

Ha good one, but that hurt just a little bit. I continue to eat my food in peace.

"Aahh-wwwoooo" "what was that!" I yelled


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