part 8

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Scene 1

Gauri sat in her room and stitching clothes.....

Ommkara enter... She saw him and smile... Ommkara smile back and layed on floor on mattress... Gauri give him water... He gulp it... Then he give her money... His one day salary... Gauri keep it in a box...

It has been ten days... They stay at Allahabad... In a small house... Which contains a kitchen.. A bed room and a small corridor..only few kitchen instruments and a mattress as bed... Ommkara work in a garage as a mechanic.. And gauri stitch clothes for their living... Because they both are not well educated... So they can't find jobs..

Though the house is small and they had not enough money but they are happy... Happy with each other... Gauri slowly slowly come out of that trauma ....though she still miss her brother ...but she try to move on...

Ommkara is still feel guilty... And he try his hard to keep gauri happy... He is slowly turn to a good man.. Who talk nicely with others... And help everyone... He don't know anything about the house hold... Don't know how to behave.. But gauri always teach him and support him...

Scene 2

After dinner... Rikara sleep on mattress... They sleep in two or three inch apart... Don't know why... They still feel awkward...

Gauri.. Ommkara said.


I want to tell you something...


Come with me... Ommkara said this and dragg gauri out side..

They sat on stairs... Both are silent for sometimes... Then omm hold her hand... Gauri is little shock but not say anything...

Both are see in each other eyes... They had a cute eye lock...

Gauri... I don't know how to say this... Because I don't know anything... How to love... How to express... But... Ommkara said in a hesitate voice.

Gauri just staring him with love..

I not promise you... That I will give you all the happiness... But I promise I never let you cry... I want to say that.... That... Ommkara stammering...

Because he never say this type of words...

What ommkara... Said.. Gauri said impatiently.

That... That... I.... Love.. You.. Ommkara said and sigh.

Gauri 's eyes fill with happy tears... She hug him tightly.. Ommkara just shock... But reciprocate..

Said it again ommkara.. Gauri said in emotional.

I love you gauri... I love you so much.. Ommkara said.

Gauri hug him more tight... With teary eyes...

I love you too ommkara... Gauri said.

They just sit in the same position.. Gauri is sobbing... She feel so happy... Finally her sacrifice... Her suffering is not spoil... He turn a devil to a human...

Ommkara is feel relax for the first time... He not felt like this before... All the time he feel a heavy heart... But now... He feel lite...

Gauri broke the hug and saw him... Suddenly gauri kiss his lips... Ommkara just shock... But slowly he reciprocate.. They apart after some time... They saw in each other eyes... While gauri blush ommkara not understand how to react... Because he don't know anything.. 😉😉😉

Gauri hold his hand and take him inside... They sat on mattress... Gauri cup his face and kiss his forehead... Then his cheeks... Ommkara just love this...

She layed on bed and pull him top of her... Ommkara just staring her with love... He kiss her lips lovingly.... Then he kiss her nack.. Gauri close her eyes...

She turn and saw her back to him... She feel shy and hide her face with her palm... But... Then she feel some drop of water on her back... She turn and saw ommkara's eyes fill with tear...

He sat on bed and turn her face away from her... Gauri just worried...

What happen ommkara.. Gauri said..

M sorry gauri... Just because of me... You bear lot's of pain... And this blemishes... Ommkara said in crying voice.

Gauri understand... The blemishes of whip beating on her body... Which is still purple now... It give him guilt... And stop him to love her...

Ommkara... What had happen in past... We have to forget that... And my pain... This blemishes are heal to only your love.. Only your love is the medicine for my wounds... Gauri said saw ommkara eyes...

Ommkara just hug her... Then he kiss her every blemish... That night they consum their marriage... Promise each other ...they stood with each other in every situation...

Scene 3

Daadaa... Daadaa... A four year old girl shout.

Ommkara repair the car in garage when he saw his cute daughter running towards him... He just through the instruments and sat on knees... The little girl hug him and he hug her more tightly and kiss her forehead... Smile..

What are you doing here my princess.. Ommkara said.

Your princess is so stubborn like you... She said she will also come to give you tifin box.. Gauri said.

Daadaa... Little girl make a puppy face to ommkara.

Stop scolding my pari OK.. Ommkara warn gauri.

Ok fine... But first come... And have your lunch.. Gauri said in strict.

Ommkara wash his hands and sat with gauri and his daughter pari...
Pari feed him in her tiny hands... Ommkara also feed her and gauri...

In this four years.. They live happily... And when pari come in their life... It's heaven now... Ommkara love his daughter more than anything... He do everything for her... Sometimes gauri complain him that he loves pari more than her..

Daadaa... Today is my birthday.. U remember my gift... Pari.

Yes my princess.. Ommkara said.

What to need to buy such a costly gift... Gauri said irritated.

No... My princess want video game... And I have to give her.. Ommkara said.

Thank you daadaa... I love you.. Pari said in her cute voice.

Love you too my princess... Ommkara kiss her cheek.

Then gauri and pari left... Ommkara continue his work... Just because of fulfill his princess wish for a video game... He work over time till one month... Pari is his life... And gauri is his heart...

Scene 4

Malik... We find them... One goons said...

Now I will take my revenge ommkara... I will destroyed your everything... Kali said in dangerous tone.

Thank you all...

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