The Raven and the Wraith 2 Chapter 4

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The Raven and the Wraith 2 Chapter 4

Chan saw my blades and the small, leather pouches in each of Kiera's hands and he shook his head vigorously at us, his eyes brimming with warning. I slowly sheathed my throwing knives, confused as to how I had misread this situation so badly. Weren't we about to be attacked? I could see unmistakable wariness, the readiness, in the group of Chan's warriors, I knew I wasn't misreading that.

Then, the whistling stopped and I heard approaching footsteps. I counted carefully. It sounded like there were three of them. And they had the same, light pattern to their footsteps as Chan and his group.

Then three warriors stepped into the clearing. I couldn't help myself, I simply stared. Next to me, I could sense Kiera was equally dumbfounded. These beings were like Chan and his group in many ways, but then they were completely different.

Chan and the others had eyes so dark they appeared nearly black, contrasted by their pale skin. These warriors had skin like that, looking like they were covered head-to-toe in coal. That was certainly a peculiar look, but their eyes were really unlike anything I'd ever seen.

All three of them had eyes so bright purple that they seemed to glow in the moonlight, as if lit from within by some lavender fire. That glow stood out against their dark skin like gems on a black, silk backdrop, making me instantly suspicious that these were sorcerers of some sort.

I could see how the two groups watched each other warily, I could sense an ancient mistrust there. I understood the whistling had been both a warning and an alert, so they wouldn't surprise anyone. Surprises between these two groups was likely deadly.

Silent seconds crept by, until Kiera snorted loudly. As one, all the rest of us twitched in shock.

"Ok Chan, this is where you say "Hi! This is Kiera and Rahvin. How's it going?" or something. 'Cause silently staring at each other isn't helpful no matter who you are."

I grinned at her. I couldn't help it, she seemed to take the thoughts right out of my head and throw them out perfectly.

Chan looked simultaneously annoyed and amused. I could tell he really had no clue as what to do about us. He faced the three newcomers and spoke quietly and quickly in his native language, gesturing at us a few times. There was a short, heated conversation, then the three warriors walked over to stand by us, eying the other group with hard expressions.

Chan's eyes glittered coldly, but his tone was calm when he motioned at the three.

"They will accompany you the rest of the way to the city, while we continue our patrol. Do not disobey them in any way."

He spun on his heel and stalked away, his steps as silent and sure as a cats, despite the dark anger I could sense in him.

"Ok. Hi-" Kiera started to say, but was cut off abruptly by the tallest of the three.


Kiera looked over at me, her eyebrows raised at that sharp command. I shook my head at her. Now was not the time to start a fight. Something about these three told me we may well be overmatched, if we did dare to fight them.

We set off, moving at a steady jog. After a few hours I saw them glancing at both of us. Kiera and I were both sweating slightly, but our breathing was steady. Both of us were well accustomed to jogging for hours at a time, and I suspected these three had assumed we would have sagged back before now.

"We will take a short rest now." One announced.

I nodded, grateful to rest but not wanting to show it. I suspected this group would view any sign of tiredness as weakness.

Kiera and I sat close together and quietly ate our dried meat and berries. I worried how low we were getting on our trail rations, as I didn't know how the hunting was in this world. We had hunted and ate a few creatures so far, but now I figured this group wouldn't allow time for hunting.

They seemed to move with an urgency, with a wariness that I didn't think could be solely due to our presence, strange as we were to them. It made me intensely curious, more so because I had begun to consider that these beings may be critical to my purpose here.

I could still feel the Shadowfall inside of me. It belonged here, in this dark, twisted place. I had to return it to its throne, to its center. I knew this instinctively, but I didn't know where or how that was to happen.

As I ate my meal of leathery trail food I  looked at these creatures surrounding us, noting the animal intensity to their eyes, their every motion. Like they were unthinking predators first, and intelligent beings second. This thought brought out a memory, making me tense as it flashed through my minds eye.

I remembered that primal hunger inside of me after the Cat has first touched me with its power. I remembered Kiera's reaction to me, to my eyes, when I had raced to the food wagon, and I knew I had looked exactly like these creatures. A merciless, lethal predator.

Kiera was watching them as close as me, and she had felt me tense up.

"What is it?" She whispered.

"Nothing. Just bit my cheek."

Kiera turned to face me directly, her eyes narrowed.

"No you didn't."

I shrugged. "Want me to open my mouth really wide and you can peek inside and see it?"

Her expression darkened. "If you know something about...about anything, you need to tell me!"

I considered discussing how one shouldn't bite their own cheeks or tongue, no matter how tempting it may be, but I could tell she wasn't likely to respond very well.

"Ok ok. I was just remembering when I first met you, at the food wagon."

Kiera blinked, then nodded. "Ok, go on."

"Do you see how much like an animal these things are?" I said, pointing with my chin out towards the warriors around us. "Did I look like them, that day?"

Kiera looked astonished, her eyes wide as she looked around, then back at me.


I sighed. "I think...I think before this trip is through I'll have to...I'll have to become like them."

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