The Raven and the Wraith 2 Chapter 32

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The Raven and the Wraith 2 Chapter 32

"These "cheep" are four-legged meat sacks, with no thoughts of their own."

Talia's eyes glittered coldly at that, and she took a single, threatening step towards me.

"Careful, Rahvin. Talia is far stronger than me." Luna said quietly.

I gave Talia my most relaxed, casual smile. "It's ok. I already know she's faster than me."

Talia let out an exasperated sigh. "You're just like Kavik! Defiant, mouthy, and unpredictably frustrating!"

"Huh. She knows you quite well already." Kiera said.

Talia finally took her blazing eyes off of me, only to lock onto Kiera, who was standing close beside me. I felt Kiera stiffen up as Talia slowly looked her up and down.

"Why are you here, girl? Why do you follow Rahvin?"

"I'm here because he asked me to come with him. And I don't follow him, or anyone, I go where I will."

"And are you scared of me? And my world?"

"Only as much as I should be." Kiera answered levelly.

I knew Kiera was intimidated by Talia, and I understood it well, because after all, who wouldn't be? So I was impressed with how calm and stable she kept her voice. And impressed that she could still show her strong, independent nature in the face of this fierce queen.

Talia appeared to appreciate it a bit, too. It was subtle, just an imperceptible warming of her eyes, but I caught it. I had years of practice watching body language, so I suspected Kiera wouldn't have noticed it.

"You may end up wishing you had never met him, soon. I don't believe your Path and his are entwined in any way."

"Sometimes I already regret coming here. But I've never regretted meeting Rahvin."

Talia stepped closer, the force of her presence seeming to invade our personal space. I clenched my jaw and resisted the urge to fidget or back away. Next to me, I could almost feel Kiera steeling herself the same way. Neither of us would allow ourselves to be really intimidated or bullied by another, no matter who they were.

"Why? What do you see in him?"

Kiera took a breath, then set her shoulders. "I see that he knows, and follows, the Path of truth. I know he sees, and understands, the inner battle between right and wrong. I see his kindness, despite his warrior nature. Or maybe because of it."

I joined Talia in looking at her with surprised expressions. Talia seemed to reach an inner conclusion suddenly, and her entire demeanor shifted. 

"You are so young to have the Sight. But you are a Healer, right?"

"What's the Sight? And yes, on my world I try to help heal people."

"The Sight, how to explain? It is a blend of wisdom, empathy, and the conviction to act on your own beliefs. It is complex, yet very much part of our way of life. Now come, let's the two of us go for a walk, we have much to discuss."

"We do?" Kiera seemed baffled, but she willingly followed Talia out of the hall.

"I think your friend may have just won over the Queen." Luna said.

"She's pretty good at winning people over. Even without seeming to try to." I said, thinking of how I had first met Kiera. Thinking of how she had seemed to effortlessly fill my daily thoughts.

Luna tilted her head as she looked at me, her eyes unreadable. "You really care for her, don't you?"

I blinked. I hadn't expected that. "Yes."

It was almost shocking, to hear myself admit that out loud. To feel myself answer that question without doubting. Besides Genevieve, there had been no one else I had allowed into my life. And I had always assumed I would be alone.

Luna sighed, then turned away. "You have some time to rest in your rooms before dinner tonight. I suggest you go there now."

I watched her walk away, wondering at her sigh. Her sad expression, and her abrupt dismissal.

"Do not try to understand females. It will only bring you pain." Chan said, clearly noting my confusion.

"Yeah, I hear you on that."

Chan waved a young servant boy over and asked him to show us to our rooms. It was a short walk, and I was grateful for the privacy and the huge, soft bed I found in my room. I needed time alone. Time to sit and think.

I was jarred from sleep by a loud hammering on my door. My instincts had me rolling off the bed, my blades ready in both hands, before I even recognized where I was or what that sound was. My door opened and Luna stuck her head in.

She eyed me lying on the floor on my belly, my throwing knives held out in front, my hair hanging in my face, and I heard her laughing.

"That's the single most uncomfortable way to sleep I've ever seen. Is that how people normally sleep on your world?"

"Only when they get woke up by some dolt flailing unnecessarily on their door."

"What is a dolt?"

"It's kinda like a cheep. But more fun to mess with."

Luna narrowed her eyes at me, clearly starting to see what I was up to.

"It is time for dinner. Are you ready?"

I stood, sheathed my blades, and ran a hand through my hair. "Yup. Ready as I'll ever be."

We walked through the halls in silence, where I tried to ignore the growing knot of butterflies trying to throw a wild party in my stomach. I was not accustomed to eating meals with others in any sort of formal setting, much less a group of powerful nobles who weren't even human.

I couldn't help but fear that Talia was planning on making some insane, grand announcement that was sure to send me into either fits of sarcastic anger, or outright, furious denial. Neither of which would be well received.

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