The Raven and the Wraith 2 Chapter 19

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The Raven and the Wraith 2 Chapter 19

"Rahvin? What did she do to you?"

I glanced at Kiera, her soft voice so full of concern, of hurt for me, that I didn't understand. But it was there, I couldn't deny it, she could feel my pain, and she knew the source of it.

And she wasn't pushing me away, she only wanted to help.

I opened my mouth, paused, then clicked it shut. Should I share with them? Could I? I didn't even know where to start. And I didn't know if I could bear to pull up those memories again, when I had fought so hard to push them away for the last few years.

"If you do not face that fear inside of you, the Fenray will be back. And each time they come for you, they will be stronger. Until you fall. It is the Way of things here."

I didn't say anything. I couldn't. My mouth was full of cold, gray ashes, and my thoughts were nothing more than a whirlpool, spiraling down into a single point of pain. A point glowing with memories of a red-haired, green-eyed angel, with a haunting smile.


"Let's go. Perhaps, as we walk, you'll be able to share with us." Chan said, taking the lead through the shadowy woods.

We walked for another hour, then set up camp. It was an hour of travel that I barely registered. Kiera walked next to me, closer than ever before, subconsciously guiding me along our path. My night vision was far sharper than hers, but she had been the one guiding me. Shadows far darker than the night around us had clouded my eyes.

Once we had set up camp, and Kiera had started a fire with Chan watching in mute wonder, I found that I did want to share with Kiera what had happened. She deserved that much from me.

"I know I told you a little bit about Genevieve." I said slowly.

Kiera nodded. She seemed to be sitting very still, as if she thought abrupt movement might scare me away. I couldn't blame her. I felt as jumpy and uncertain as a newborn deer.

I sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm not...not very good at this friends thing."

Kiera's eyes crinkled up and I knew she was thinking of that punch. It made me grin at her. 

"What? Friends aren't supposed to punch each other instead of talk?"

"Well, I did push you. After you warned me." Chan said.

"Yeah. You're either crazy, or you underestimated me."

"I am in complete mental health. And I did not underestimate you, I allowed you to hit me. It made you stop and think, didn't it?"

I knew he was telling the truth. Chan was far too experienced and skilled to have missed that rather obvious punch. He had ignored his defensive instincts and allowed me to hit him. To make me think. It was such an unselfish thing to do, especially considering I had only just met him, that it was bewildering.

"Why? Why help me? Why do you care?"

Chan looked visibly distressed at my harsh question. "You are a Warrior. A young Warrior, without a home or a Master. How could I turn away from you? But I can tell you have been alone for many years. Many have passed on by you, haven't they?"

His question brought up the coldest memories, a crushing wave of loneliness. Of unrelenting hunger, helplessness, and the cutting, lethal fangs of despair. My life on the streets. Surrounded by thousands of people, yet completely alone.

"This, too, is tied into your greatest Fear. I can see it in you." Chan whispered.

"Rahvin..." Kiera said, seeing my clenched fists. Seeing the seething tension shaking me like a leaf in a storm.

I closed my eyes, desperately reaching inside. Reaching for that silent, still place inside where I was nothing more than an animal, with a perfect connection to my instincts.

"You cannot escape yourself there. The wound runs all the way into that core."

I opened my eyes. Chan was right. I could feel it, still.

"I've been living with this...this broken piece of me for years just fine. Why is it now suddenly such a problem? Is it because this realm is intangible? Like it's tied directly to Power and Life Energy and all living things here?"

"You have not been living just fine. Tell me, Wanderer, when was the last time you shared your hopes, dreams, and fears with another?"

"Four years ago. With Genevieve."

"We cannot go through life so alone. It will separate us from the very flow of Life itself. And then we are either consumed by emptiness, or we seek to destroy those that are whole, to vainly try to fill the void within."

I met his eyes, forcing myself to consider his words. To place myself within them.

"So we become Fenray."

Chan looked surprised, and pleased. "Yes! You are very wise for one so young."

"Or, on my world, we become DraelKin."

"Yes. You know the DraelKin. And you know the Fenray."

Kiera scooted over closer to me, staring at the fire like it might provide the answers to her many questions. I flicked a glance at her, wondering what she would do, what she would think, if I told her about Possum Hollow.

What would she think of me if I told her of the Hunger?

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