The Raven and the Wraith 2 Chapter 31

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The Raven and the Wraith 2 Chapter 31

Kiera leaned in towards me and spoke quietly.

"I think you might have just stirred up trouble. As usual."

I grinned. I could see the battle of wills between Luna and these two, and I understood it. This was purely a matter of who was stronger. The Cha'el reminded me of humans in some ways, and then, in instances like this, they were just like a pack of wolves.

This was a welcome distraction from the mind-warping reality of what had happened down in the lower levels here. I had come here to return the Shadowfall to its rightful place, to restore balance between the two worlds. And now, the Shadowfall, along with the fractured Kahlraugh, had blended into me. What did it mean?

I couldn't understand it. How could I become this...this world-changing thing?! My stomach clenched into a cold knot at that, and I gritted my teeth and forced myself to pay attention to what was happening right now, right in front of me.

I saw the two Cha'el evaluating Luna. I could almost read them reading her, like I could follow along as they considered her strength, her ferocity. Her primal willpower. And I saw the moment they both decided to back down.

They both looked away. It was the slightest movement, but it was there. And Luna relaxed immediately, turning her back to them and fixing me with a dark glare.

"You are to remain silent unless spoken to, until we sit for dinner with Talia. Understood?"

The haughty, commanding tone she used made my jaw clench in instant anger. I was no ones puppet, I never had been and never would be.

"I'll speak to whoever I wish, whenever I wish. Unless you think you can stop me?"

Another perfect silence dropped into the hall as everyone heard my response. I knew it was a direct challenge to her, I knew she was some form of higher Cha'el nobility, and I didn't care. I wouldn't allow even Talia to order me about like that.

A harsh, pale glow began to glow in Luna's eyes as she stalked towards me. I settled into a crouch, not letting my focus settle directly on her. I knew she was extremely fast, so I wanted my instincts to be ready to react.

She lunged at me, a short left jab, which I slapped outwards and away. We both spun, a quick swap of positions, and then she really launched into attack mode. I had known she, like all Cha'el, was extremely quick, but now I found myself immediately relying on that enhanced speed from the touch of the Cat inside of me.

She was a creative, and therefore very dangerous, fighter, never attacking from the same level or angle. Still, despite her unusual fighting style and her speed, I settled into the ebb and flow of the battle. I found myself blocking more of her strikes than evading, which was a testament to her skill and speed.

After a few minutes of unrelenting attack, she finally drew back and began to circle me, moving like a furious panther eying it's prey. I took the moment to catch my breath and shoot her what I hoped was a casual, happy smile.

"That was fun! I've never sparred with someone who moves like you do."

Her eyes widened, and I heard a collective murmur of dismay ripple through the surrounding group. My smile widened into a real grin. I refused to show anyone here how much blocking her strikes had hurt, or how close she had come to getting past my defenses.

"You' think this was a sparring match?" Luna's voice was quiet, and full of uncertainty.

I shrugged. "Of course."

I knew this was the farthest thing from a sparring match. I had challenged her directly, in front of all of the nobility of this city. And the unbridled ferocity behind her every move had been born from the animal response to that challenge.

Luna's guard dropped, and her entire stance relaxed. But what was most interesting was when her eyes looked away from me and she lifted her head. Baring her throat to me.

"My Prince." She whispered.

At her words there was a rustle of clothing as every single Cha'el in the room settled down to one knee, their eyes averted and their heads up and back. Baring their throats to me.

Nobody moved. I looked around in growing confusion and concern. I did not like this at all.

"I think you just convinced the Cha'el kingdom that you are their Prince. To replace Kavik." Kiera said.

"That's...I wasn' ridiculous!" I growled.

Kiera laughed, clearly enjoying my bafflement. "Yup. Very."

"What do I do now?"

"Hmm. I don't know for sure, but maybe start with telling them all to stand up and relax?"

I looked around the room, seeing this group of powerful warriors all showing deference to me. It was just like when the Cha'el on the streets had all bowed to me, after I had stared down the Kahlraugh in the streets. Except this was a group of powerful, dangerous leaders, which made it all the more unsettling. And I abruptly had enough of it.

"Stop it! Why would you give up the mantle of power to an outsider so easily?! Do none of you even realize I am not Cha'el??"

They all relaxed, but I could see eyes shining with amusement everywhere. It did not help my mood at all.

"They know their Prince when they see him. They know their Prince when he so easily defeats the second strongest warrior in the kingdom."

Talia said, striding into the room, her eyes locked on me. I bared my teeth at her.

"So I'm in a room full of sheep? Is that what you're saying?"

Talia looked equally confused at the sheep reference, and angry at my sarcastic question.

"What are these cheep you speak of?"

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