The Raven and the Wraith 2 Chapter 8

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The Raven and the Wraith 2 Chapter 8

Hi everyone! I'm just gonna go ahead and slap in an authors note here. This story has been just amazing to write, super mega fun, as it's my first attempt at writing in First Person.

I think writing well in First Person is a very difficult skill, and very rare. A book that inspires me is the Fear Nothing series by Dean Koontz. Written in First Person with uncanny, nearly artistic, skill, it's a true adventure!

Anyway, please vote and comment, feedback is the coolest part of writing here on Wattpad!

Thanks all!!!!


"How do you know...?"
I finally managed.

She considered that for a moment, then slowly sat on the steps with a heavy sigh.

"This is harder than I thought it would be." She said under her breath.

That made me recover quickly.

"You're finding it hard to keep up the mysterious, annoying, abstract persona? Good. Stop doing that and just talk to me." I said, doubting she would listen but hoping anyway.

"I...I can't." She said, sounding so unhappy that I felt a pang for her.

"Why? Who put you up to this? What do they have over you?"

She smiled sadly up at me. "It's not a "who". But Rahvin, know this. You have to..have to come to understand what you need to understand on your own. I can't help you. But I wish I could. I can only guide you."

I found I didn't much care for her message but could still appreciate her finally being candid with me.

"Ok. So what do I need to do? And where is Kiera? How come she isn't here with me?"

She stood up and motioned towards the steps. "Walk upstairs. Answer my questions as true to yourself as you can. And Kiera is in her own Branch. You'll see her again, soon."

I scowled at her. "Simple as that, huh?"

She paused, her body language once again shifting into that dispassionate, distanced being.

"It's as simple as you'll allow."

I shrugged. "I'll allow myself to simply torment you until I get answers."

"Ok. So how did you get here? You said you stepped sideways into a shadow."

"I don't know how to's like you're asking me to describe the color red to a blind person! The first part of doing what I did requires you to see shadows for what they really are."

She smiled at me. "I've been to your realm before. So you needn't worry, I'm not Shadowblind. So please, go on. Explain how you got to this realm."

I blinked at that. Then decided to let it go for later.

"I focused on how shadows tie our two realms together. Then I...pulled everything that I am towards it."

She nodded quickly, her bright red eyes sparkling like blood jewels. I looked away, hugely annoyed at my continued inability to hold her gaze.

"Yes! That's part of it. What else did you do?"

"I used the paths of all shadows here, and in my own realm, to understand how I'm tied to reality itself. I think..." I frowned as I tried to put to words something so abstract and complex.

"Yes. You're moving through your Branch very quickly, now. Quicker than anyone I've ever seen, actually. But there's one last piece of your shadow journey."

I felt my stomach twist as I considered what she wanted me to bring out. It was like she was asking me to put to words the core element of a true nightmare. One that I knew was going to haunt my dreams forever.

"I...I don't want to talk about it." I whispered, sagging under the weight of the horrendous knowledge shadow-stepping had dropped on me.

She nodded slowly. "Then look ahead."

I lifted my head, looking past her, up the stairs. And at the top of the stairs was a dull gray door. It was nondescript, utterly plain. And it filled me with frigid dread.

"That's...that's not my door." I croaked, holding up my arms in a weak block, even though I knew that was no defense.

"It's your door. It's your path back to your realm. Forever. Unless you can tell me, and yourself, everything about your shadow journey." Melikah's voice was harder than steel.

I looked around, my head swiveling like a trapped animal, feeling my heartbeat climbing painfully with every ripping second that passed.

"Tell me, Rahvin!" Melikah snapped. A command ringing with undeniable authority.

"I saw...I saw my other half die! I'm not here, I'm not there, I'm not even really alive!" I yelled, so loud it hurt my throat.

The gray door at the top of the stairs shifted to that exact same burning red as Melikah's eyes. And at that same instant, she disappeared. Only her voice hung in the air, one last time.

"Yes. You are a Child of Two Worlds. But never deceive yourself, you're so very alive that you pull power from two realities."

I stepped forward slowly. Unsure what was on the other side of this burning, hungry door. Not liking how familiar that door felt.

The Raven and the Wraith Book 2 (Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now