Chapter 1

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"Come on, Niklas," dad hollers as he walks to the front of the of Dodge Durango as he walks toward the new high school with my brother Dominic.

Sighing I climb out of the truck and shut the door with a slam. Shit, dad glares at me since he hates when doors are slammed. "Entschuldigung Papa," I say as I walk to him and Dom with a scowl on my face.

I should explain who I am and what's going on; my name is Niklas James Wolf and I just turned 17 years old three months ago in June. I currently live with my father, Markus James Wolf and my younger brother Dominic Jason Wolf, who turned 16 years in July, and my grandparents (dad's parents) Markus James Wolf Sr. and Nadja Adela Wolf in Ludington, Michigan when we moved here at the beginning of June just before my birthday.

Dad was born and raised in Ludington, Michigan United States of America but had moved to Germany when he was 19 years old when he joined the Marine Corps. and was stationed at Panzer Kaserne Marine Corps Base in Boeblingen, Germany. He had been stationed there for about a year when he meet my mother, Anika Jane Horn; they dated for a brief six months before they were married due to her being four months pregnant with me.

During dad's twelve year assignment with the Corps, he was stationed in Boeblingen the entire duration. Once dad was honorably discharged, we stayed in Boeblingen until we moved to the states in June.

Now, you're probably wondering why mother didn't move with us, well I will give you the simple answer; she's the spawn of the Teufel. Back about a year ago; mother tried to kill Dominic and myself; she had drove myself and Dom back from her parents house late one Friday night and it was snowing outside badly and she had never wanted children but she had agreed to having two with dad and was never very motherly toward either one of us growing up; and drove us into a light pole on mine and Dom's side of the car.

She would smack and punch us for whatever she wanted too, she had broken my arm twice; once by twisting my arm behind my back using a rope hard enough to break the Humerus bone and the other time she managed to shove me hard enough to the cement to break the Ulna bone, both in my left arm. She had left many bruises on both of us throughout our lives; always blaming the bruises and broken bones on how 'clutzy' my brother and I were to the hosptial and our dad.

Now you might be wondering how she could manage to sneak up behind me and take me by surprise to harm me that badly. I have hearing loss caused by a nervous system problem which is a non-congenital disorder. I've refused hearing aides up to this point; but I've finally told dad after a month of living here that I want to see if I'm a candidate for hearing aides and he's found one with the help of Oma and I have my first appointment of many in a week.

Following dad and Dominic into the school as he follows the signs to the main office where we are greated by an older woman with short white hair, bright green eyes and way to much makeup and a bright smile.

"Hello gentelman, I'm Ms. Sherry, how may I help you?" she starts off addressing all three of us but by the end only dad.

"I called two weeks ago and said that I needed to sign my sons up for school and was told to bring them today," dad says with a bright cheerful smile as he gestures toward us.

Ms. Sherry smiles toward my brother and I as we quickly say our greeting with her but with how bad my hearing has become since my birth I am having a hard time understanding what is being said between dad and her.

Loosing interest in their conversation since I'm not following, I take this time to take in the office; three walls are painted seafoam green in color and the other one is an eggshell white with differnt certifices of awards and the principal's degrees as well as a cork board with informational sheets.

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