Panic! (Meau)

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"Mitch, I'm home!"  Beau called out loudly. "MITCH?" Panic began bubbling in his chest when the young Neko didn't race out to greet him like he usually did. Beau breathed heavily, worst case scenarios running through his mind. He dashed around the house, checking all of Mitch's favorite places to curl up and hide. He cursed when the dryer ended up being empty. 

He meandered over to the couch sadly, his head in his hands. How could he have lost someone so important to him? What if Mitch had escaped? He didn't know how many Nekos existed or how accepting society was towards Nekos. What if he was lost in the cruel world? A small faint purr pulled him out of his bleak, despairing thoughts. He listened closely, a smile on his face when he realized he didn't imagine it.  He followed the sound to his bedroom door and opened it quietly. He sighed in relief when he saw a calico kitten curled up in the middle of his bed, whiskers twitching and small purrs rolling out from him as he peacefully dreamed.

Beau sighed as he raised a hand to his wildly racing heart. He stood in the door way, admiring the sleepy kitten. The temptation to join in was too great to be denied. He walked over and gently cradled Mitch in his arms. Mitch snuggled back into his warmth and mewled in content, sleepy purrs rumbling through the air. Beau lay down, eyes closing for a quick catnap. 

Hope you guys are having an amazing day, babes! You are all amazing and valid and beautiful. Have a fabulous Monday. Also, send in some ideas of what you want to see our Nekos get into.

Neko! (Meau and Scomarson)Where stories live. Discover now