Playtime (Scomarson)

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"Catch it babies!" Mason laughed as the two cats climbed over each other and the wall to get the forever elusive red dot that was always beyond their reach. "There you go!" Occasionally, the two Nekos would slip onto their backs before resuming play. Mason laughed as the two Nekos looked around for the red dot, pouncing on it when they saw it. The slightly smaller brown cat pounced on the larger tortoise colored cat before playfully wrestling him down. "Is the laser fun?" Two loud meows answered him."Alright, alright. Go shift you two."  Some time later Mason had two Nekos curled up in his lap, playfully batting at each other.

Mason scratched in between Mark's ears, earning a litany of soft purrs. He felt small teeth dig into his skin and he frowned over in Scott's direction. "Scotty," he chided gently, "we do not bite people." Scott's blue eyes widened, his ears twitching sadly. "Scotty's sorry, Masey. Scott jus wanted scritches too." Mason melted at his teary eyed pout before scratching gently under Scott's chin. Scott purred happily, his eyes closing and tail beating the couch happily.  Mark had wiggled away when Mason started paying attention to Scott and was now trying to catch his tail. The stupid thing would never stay still! 

Mason looked up, only to find both Nekos passed out, breathing deeply. He chuckled as he picked them up and put them into their cat bed, scratching them gently. Mason cooed softly as they cuddled together, Scott resting one paw over Mark's back. "Goodnight, babies," he whispered before turning the lights off and walking to his own bed. 

Neko! (Meau and Scomarson)Where stories live. Discover now