Physical Heartbreak (Brian)

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WARNING: Strong language, violence

"I TOLD YOU THAT YOU CAN'T TALK TO OTHER GUYS WHILE I'M AROUND!" Greg yelled at me, while I stand in front of him with tears forming in my eyes, while still feeling a sense of anger.



From there, it was done. His hand slaps the left cheek on my face and I fall to the floor. He grabs a fistful of my hair and drags me up close to his face. His hand hits me again, this time with a closed fist on my right cheek. I fall again, tears streaming down my face, a gash from his fist across my cheek. He slaps me again and pushes my head to the ground and wraps his hand around my neck, with his grip tightening.

"I warned you to not talk to other bastards while you're with me," he snarled in my ear.

I could barley speak out of fear and pain. "i'm- i'm sorry..."


Another slap across my face.

He gets up, glancing over me as if he were victorious. But he was far from done...

His hard feet stomp across my chest and stomach, and kicking my sides. After about 9-10 kicks, he walks over to the kitchen and opens the drawer in the countertop.

He's at the drawer with the knives, I thought to myself. It's time.

With all the remaining strength in my body, I get up and run out the front door.

There I was; running in the dark of the night, panting and crying. Mascara running down my cheeks, lipstick smeared, bruises on my arms and a bloody nose. My boyfriend Gregory, who was once the most sweetest, angelic boy in the school, turned out to be a complete monster. He beat me. Badly. All out of jealousy and rage.

I was running on my bare feet as fast as I could towards my house, which was just a few blocks from his.

I knew I should've listened to them, I thought to myself as I was running. Gregory and I started dating 9 months ago. Right from the start, my parents weren't comfortable with him. They warned me to be careful with him, but I just thought they were being typical overprotective parents. But they're not like that with my twin brother, Baylee, who's been dating his GF, Grace, for a year.

I finally reached my house. The living room light was on. At first I thought about telling them I slipped and fell down the stairs at his house. But no. I can't lie. I HAVE to tell them the truth.

I stopped at the front door, panting and sobbing, and pounded on the door. Not even 5 seconds later, my brother, Baylee opens the door and his facial expression went into sheer panic.

"OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK?!" Baylee exclaimed. "MOM! DAD! HELP!"

My mom and dad immediately rush from the dining room to the front door. The panic on their faces is unreal. I've never seen them like that before.

"OH MY GOD!" my mom, Leighanne yelled.

"BRIANA, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!" My dad, Brian, yelled after that.

I didn't say anything. My dad carried me to the couch while my mom went to go get ice and bandages. My dad put me down on the couch, trying to calm down my crying.

"Briana, what happened?! Who did this to you?!" Baylee exclaimed.

"Greg..." I started to say. "He... *voice breaking*... he..."

I didn't even finish. In a heartbeat, my dad dashed to the front door, put on his shoes and ran in the direction of Greg's house. I knew things weren't gonna end well.

I immediately got up and ran after my dad. Baylee and our mom ran after us.

My dad got to Greg's house and he pounded on the door. No one was home, except for Greg.


The door opens. My dad pushes his way in. He punches Greg in the face and knocks him down to the floor. I didn't even try to stop him. Greg is getting what he deserved.

It was nothing but a complete beatdown, from my dad to my now ex-boyfriend, Greg. When Baylee and mom got to the house, my mom immediately separated my dad from Greg. Soon, my dad got tired and he had bloodied knuckles. But he wasn't done.

He grabbed Greg by the collar. "Don't you EVER hurt her again. If you do, I promise you next time, it'll be even worse." I've NEVER seen my dad this angry before.

My mom tried calming my dad down. We walked out of the house, me in my dad's arms. I was worried about what would happen later.

Within a matter of an hour, the police arrive and knock at our door. My dad goes to get it. There were 2 officers standing there, waiting to question my father.

"Can I help you, officers?" He politely asked.

"Yes, are you Mr. Brian Littrell?" One of the officers asked.

"Yes, I am."

"We've had witnesses claim that they saw you burst your way into that house," the other officer said, pointing at Greg's house down the street. "And the witness, Gregory Johnson, claims that you brutally assaulted him."

"Yes, I did. And I had to! He brutally assaulted my daughter! Look at her!" He said, filled with anger. I walk over to the door. I describe my visible injuries. Black eye, bruised cheek, bruised arms and waist.

After describing everything that happened to the police officers, it still doesn't help the fact that my father brutally assaulted my ex-boyfriend. The police arrest both Gregory and my dad.

I was angry at the fact they were arresting my father, when he did NOTHING wrong!


"Yeah, he did nothing wrong!" Baylee added.

As he was being put into the police cruiser, my dad tells me, "Don't worry. It was all worth it. This will teach him, or any other boy, to not mess with my little girl."

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