I'll Be The One (All 5) [PART 1]

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Request from BackstreetWife1! Thank you so much for the request!

Y/N: Your Name
Setting: BSB's Into The Millennium tour in late 1999/early 2000's

Being the hair and makeup artist for the Backstreet Boys is the best job that anyone could ask for! Being around 5 cuties most of the time and getting the chance to prepare them before their shows? Uh, YES PLEASE!

The boys just wrapped up an amazing show in Boston, and it's been amazing to watch them on this tour! After the concert, all of the boys, backup dancers and the rest of the staff, loaded into the party room to celebrate yet another fun, successful show. The room full of amazing food and drinks, but the best part? Partying with the Backstreet Boys of course!

A few hours after our celebration, we started getting ready to pack all our stuff to head to East Rutherford, New Jersey. I normally go on the bus with the rest of the hair, makeup + outfit staff, but one of the beds on the bus broke. It was my bed. There was no other vacant bed available and there was no way I was gonna sleep on the floor in a moving bus.

As I was standing at the doorway of the arena, waiting for BSB's manager to come and help me with the transportation, I was approached by AJ.

"Hey, A/N!"

"Hey, AJ!"

"What you waiting for?" Damn, hearing him talk in his little southern accent just make me melt 😍

"Uh, my bed on the makeup staff bus broke and there's nowhere else to sleep. So I'm just waiting for your manager to tell me where to go."

"Why don't you come onto our bus? We got room!"

Wait... did he just seriously ask me that?!

"Wait, can I? I don't wanna bother you guys-"

"Oh please! I promise you the other guys won't mind!"

"Oh! Uh... sure!" Of course I couldn't refuse!!!

I got approval from the BSB manager to travel in the BSB bus. AJ walked me to the bus located in the arena's garage. As soon as we got to the bus doors, AJ hollered, "YO, BOYS! WE GOT COMPANY!!" I couldn't help but giggle.

When I got on the bus, all 5 guys were chilling in the small living room area, where there was a comfy couch with a decent sized TV. The boys, Brian, Nick, Kevin and Howie all looked my way with smiles and all hollered, "Heyyyyy!!!!" I feel so honored just from them saying that 😂

I threw my luggage on a chair next to the bus door and I jumped on the couch, sitting next to Brian.

"Wassup, Y/N?" Kevin asked in his sexy Kentucky accent.

"Nothin much," I replied. "There was a little difficulty in my bus so I couldn't sleep there. I hope I'll get to sleep here and hopefully I don't bother you guys."

"Oh of course not!" Brian exclaimed, also speaking in his sexy Kentucky accent. It made my heart swoon.

"Yea, you're welcome here anytime you want!" Nick added in his cute voice.

It was around 12:15 AM and I was ready to knock out. I loved hanging out with the guys, but it's time for me to get beauty sleep. I was offered one of the six bunks. I slept on the very top one, right about Howie. I did my usual night routine, headed to bed, and drifted away to sleep.

I woke up around 2:00 AM to use the bathroom. I was about to get out of my bunk bed, when I heard what sounded like whisper-yelling. It was between Brian, AJ and Nick.

AJ- "Come on! Imma ask her out!"

Nick- "NO WAY! I will!"

Brian- "Guys, guys, there's no need to argue over her. We all know she belongs with me."

Who are they talking about? ME? No, that's not possible...

I rolled my feet out the curtain and climbed out the bed. The boys immediately went silent.

"Hey, Y/N." Nick whispered.

"Hey..." I replied in a tired voice. "I just gotta go use the bathroom."

"Alright, go ahead!" Brian silently said with a smile.

As soon as I closed the door to the bathroom, I heard even more whisper-yelling coming from AJ, Nick and Brian. Yea, I heard it from the bathroom.

Nick- "Hey, me and her are the closest! She gonna go with me!"

Brian- "No way in hell, Frack. She's mine!"

AJ- "Both of you shut up already. Imma ask her out!"

For the next 2 minutes, all I heard was whisper-yelling from them. I finished my business and washed up. As soon as I opened the door and walked out, again, the boys went silent.

"I heard you guys, like, whisper-yelling at each other," I said. "What was that all about?"

"Oh God, you heard us?" AJ asked, with a shocked look on his face.

"Uh... yeah," I chuckled.

"Oh, it's nothing," Nick said

"Yeah, it's something about our music and performances," Brian added. "We had a little disagreement."

"Oh ok," I replied. They're obviously keeping something from me, I thought to myself. I wanted to ask, but I didn't wanna seem invasive. "Good night."

"Goodnight!" All the boys said at the same time. I crawled back into my bed and drifted off to sleep.

*Part 2 coming soon!!!*

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