Lover Boy (Brian)

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Setting: High School in Kentucky in 1992 (17 y/o Brian)
Y/N = Your name

There is just a few weeks left until prom and I couldn't be more excited! The makeup, the dress, dancing, food, hanging out with friends, everything!

But what about a date? Oh God... I don't have a date...

All of my friends have dates. Of course since I'm the different one, I don't have a date. I would love to have one, but a majority of the guys in my school are major douchebags, and of course there was no way in hell I was going with any of them. Oh well... I can just go with my friends and have a great time with them, so it's no big deal.

Lunch was over and I was at my locker getting my textbook for history class. *YAWN* I grab my textbook and when I close the door shut, there was a guy standing right next to me, which startled me. It was a senior named Brian Littrell. One of the few guys in this school that was actually NOT a douchebag. He and I were pretty good friends. We had science and gym classes together. He is smart, kind, talented and GORGEOUS! But, what is he doing next to my locker?

"Oh!" I jumped. "Brian? Hi!"

"Hey, Y/N!" He replied. "What class you got next?" I gotta say I absolutely LOVE his Kentucky accent 😍

"Boring ass history," I laughed.

"Haha, I got algebra. You want me to walk with you to your class?"

"Sure! I need company anyway." We started walking.

"You going to prom with anyone?" He asked.

"Just with my friends with their dates. Of course I'm the loner," I laughed off.

"Well, not for long..."

...what the hell did he mean by that...

"Uh, what do you mean?" I asked as we stopped in front of my history class.

"I don't got a date to prom either," he said. "You wanna go with me?" From there, he pulled a rose from his backpack. I had a glowing expression on my face. I was in complete awe. I couldn't believe this was happening!!

"Oh... uh..." I was so speechless that I stuttered out my answer. "Y-Yes!"

Brian smiled and gave me a warm hug. I hugged back.

"Great! Gimme your number and I'll call you later today!" He said.

I pulled out a piece of looseleaf paper and a pen, wrote my number on it and gave it to him. He did the same with his number.

"I'll talk to you later!" I said.

"See you!" He replied.



*Day of prom*

I've been preparing for this event for nearly 3 HOURS. I want everything about me to be perfect! My hair, makeup, dress. EVERYTHING!


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*a/n: i know this isn't exactly 90's prom fashion, but whatever

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*a/n: i know this isn't exactly 90's prom fashion, but whatever... just go with it 😂*

Getting ready for prom with my girls is just so much fun! Doing each others hair, makeup and nails is just great! One thing I couldn't wait for is my date with Brian! I'm excited to see what's in store tonight! :)

After me and my girls got ready and took plenty of pictures with my Polaroid camera, we went outside to meet up our dates. I see Brian and he's looking SO HOT in his tux! He sees me and his jaw drops.

"Hello, beautiful!" He greeted me. Gotta admit, I died a little on the inside 😍😭

"Hey, handsome!" I greeted back.

He grabs a box out of his pants pocket, opens it, and hands me a beautiful white corsage that matched perfectly with my dress!

"Aw, thank you, Brian!"

"No problem! Anything for a lovely lady!" I swooned 😍❤

Me, Brian and my friends with their dates all stepped into a limo and headed to the restaurant where prom was being held. This is gonna be one hell of a fun night!

A few hours later, during the slow dance...

After all those loud beats and fast dancing, it's definitely time for a slow dance. I stand there on the dance floor, watching the other couples slow dancing. I feel a hand on my shoulder. It was Brian.

"You mind if I have this dance?" He asked, holding out his hand for me to take.

"Of course!" I replied, blushing with a smile on my face. He and I walk over to the dance floor, hand in hand. We stop in the middle. I put arms on Brian's shoulders, my hands on the back of his neck. Brian wraps his hands around my waist, his hands on my back. We move slowly to the music, staring into each others eyes. I swear I can't get enough of his baby blues. He never took his eyes off my puppy brown eyes. His face moved in close to mine.

"Y/N," He said in my ear.

"Yea?" I replied in his.

"I... I love you."

Wait... did... he... just... say... HE LOVES ME? I was in complete awe.

"I-I love you too."

My face was glowing. We both smiled at each other. He leaned in, his lips making contact with mine. Our soft kiss soon turned passionate. His grip on my waist got a little tight. We paid no attention to anything else but each other.

A few hours later...

Brian and I were driving to my house. We had an amazing time tonight! On the ride home, we talked and laughed. It was amazing! I can't believe we're so in love!

While driving, Brian takes my hand and holds it.

"I'm so lucky to have a girl like you in my life," Brian said, kissing the back of my hand. My heart fluttered.

"And I'm so lucky to have a guy like you in my life!" I said, leaning in and kissing his cheek.

We pulled up to my house. As I picked up my purse and opened the door, Brian grabbed my hand.

"I love you, baby," he said.

"I love you too," I replied. "I'll call you tomorrow." I leaned in, giving him a kiss on the lips. I stepped out of the car, walked up to my door and Brian sped off. My face was glowing. My heart was fluttering. I was so happy! ❤❤❤

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