I'll Be The One (Pt. 2)

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A/N - I'M BACK OMGGG IT'S BEEN TOO LONG!! I'm SO sorry for the inactivity, but I'm back with part 2 to this imagine!

You were wrapping up doing Howie's hair and makeup as the boys were getting ready to start the concert. Tens of thousands of screaming fangirls desperate to lay eyes on their favorite boy band.

"Have I ever told you that you have beautiful eyes?" Howie interrupted your thoughts.

"Aw, thanks," you chuckle in response. You notice Howie immediately start to blush. You push his last strands of hair back and tap his cheek to signal him that he's ready and he walks with the rest of the boys for last minute preparations; the quick prayers and secret handshakes.

With all the music blasting on the stage, you couldn't help but think of the previous night on the tour bus. AJ, Brian and Nick potentially fighting over you. Now Howie complimenting your eyes? You never in a million years thought that these guys would feel some type of way towards you. You always thought you were just the hair and makeup artist to them, not eye candy.

The boys wrapped up their first quarter of the show and now it's time for the costume change. AJ, Kevin, Howie and Nick rushed down the stairs to backstage, Brian still on the stage talking to the crazed fans. You set up the costumes on the hangers in the dressing rooms. You see the boys speed-walk in and immediately slip out of their costumes and into the new ones. You did the quick touch-ups on their makeup and hair. You got to Kevin, fixing his hair by putting a little extra gel in it. He shot you a wink as your fingers ran through his hair. You let out a shy giggle.

- Fast forward to the end of the show-

The boys, backup dancers, management, production, and crew (myself included) were all in the VIP room to celebrate yet another successful show. We ended the night with drinks, cheers, and laughter. After it all wrapped up, we headed to our hotel rooms, as the boys had back-to-back shows in East Rutherford, NJ.

I got myself a good overnight bag with extra clothes and essentials for the night in the hotel. I head out of the arena and head towards my rental car in the arena's parking lot to head to my hotel for the night.

As I was walking in the parking lot, I hear multiple voices call out my name...

"Y/N!!!" the voices hollered out.

I was so confused at first. I whipped around to see who was calling me. I saw nothing. It was probably just my imagination.

But then, the voices called out my name again. 

I looked around again. Until I see something I didn't see the first time.

The BSB tour bus parked on the other side of the parking lot with gold lights glaring inside, covered by the slightly tinted windows.

I see Nick sticking his head out from one of the windows, waving out to me and I couldn't help but laugh. 

Then, I looked to the door of the bus and see a silhouette figure jogging towards me. I couldn't see who it was do to it being so dark. But as he came right under the street light, I see that it's AJ. 

"Hey, Y/N!" he said as he approached me. "You heading to your hotel?"

"Yea I am," I replied. "I'm fucking beat."

"Oh I don't blame you," he laughed. "It's a shame because I wanted to ask if you wanted to chill in our tour bus with us for a little bit. We're playing some cards and watching a movie. You wanna join?"

I thought about it for a little bit because I was exhausted. But then I didn't wanna end the evening being a negative nancy. I accepted AJ's invitation and joined them on the bus. 

As soon as I stepped in, the boys cheered me on with a warm welcome. They were pretty excited to see me again.

"YOOOOO Y/N!" Nick yelled out enthusiastically.

Right then and there, I felt the bus move and drive. 

"Where we going?" I asked confused.

"Oh, we're just driving to a private area so we don't potentially get mobbed by fans." Brian laughed.

"Oh, that makes sense," I laughed along. 

Nick and Brian were in the middle of trading Pokémon cards, Howie was on the couch and glancing on the TV, and Kevin decided to knock out in his bunk. AJ and I were sitting in the booth right by the kitchen area. There was a brief moment of silence between you and AJ as you couldn't help but laugh at the sight of Brian and Nick with their Pokémon cars and acting like little kids. The silence was interrupted by AJ slightly tapping your arm.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Oh, not much. Tired."

"You're telling me," he chuckles.

You chuckle back in response. "Another great show by you guys tonight!"

"Thanks!," AJ smirked.

In your head, you were hesitating to ask him about what happened in the bus the other night. One half of you said it was stupid, but the other half wanted to know what was up.

"So...", you started to say. "...about the other night--"

"That argument on the bus?" AJ interrupted, his cheeks starting to flush red.

"Yeahhhhh..." you said slowly and started to chuckle lightly.

"Well, that was just dumb. Typical dumb boy shit."

You didn't believe him. "Is there something any of y'all wanna tell me?"

"Well..." He was on the verge of explaining when Brian interuppted.

"Whatcu two lovebirds up to?!" You couldn't help but laugh at his statement.

"Brian, shut up," AJ demanded.

"ASK HER ALREADY!" You heard Nick yell from a few feet away.

You turn your head to AJ who had a look like a deer in headlights.

"Ask me what?" you chuckled.

"Well.." AJ started to explain, while slightly pushing Brian away and whispering to him, "Bro, go away. Mind your business."

Brian started to slowly walk away when he looked at you and mouthed the words, "HE LIKES YOU."

AJ then gave your arm another tap to get your attention.

"Please don't pay any attention to them," he chuckled.

You laughed in response. "It's totally okay. What were you saying?"

"Well... what Brian was saying."

That's when the butterflies in your stomach started to develop.

"... Y/N... I really like you. And I was wondering... when all this touring and performing starts to settle down... maybe you and I can go on a date sometime?"

Those butterflies smacked you right in the face. Your heart started to flutter. You couldn't believe it. A Backstreet Boy was asking you out on a date. It was so unbelievable that you started to question your hearing.

You stuttered in your response. "Ummm.. oh my god... yes!"

"OH, great! That's great!"

You then turn and hear Nick, Brian, and Howie cheering you guys on. You and AJ bursted out in laughter. 

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