Actor & Idol - Part 19

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Jungkook's POV

  I sigh. Truth to be told , I'm extra nervous tonight.

  I just hope everything is gonna be awesome tonight.

  Me proposing to my love.

  I promise her our date tonight is special.

  It's like a reunion for me and her.

  3 years. I've been patience and wait for her. I almost gave up , but I trust her.

  I trust that one day , we are gonna be reunited again.

  I reserved a 5 star restaurant just for our date tonight.

  You can say that , I have lot of money now. Muahahaha.

  I drive my car to her dorm.

  On the way there , I decide to hear some music. I open the radio and my heart immediately feels warm.

  The radio are now playing Yuju's song.

  Her beautiful voice never fails to suprise me.

  All the nervousness have been wash away right after I heard her song.

  Calm down , Jungkook. You can do this.

Yuju's POV

  I hope Jungkook is gonna be late tonight.

  I'm not ready. Just the two of us hanging out together.

  It's bad for both my heart and soul.

  Ugh , I need to check my makeup again. I need to be perfect tonight.

  "Do I really look okay in this ?" I mutter to myself. Unsure if I'm looking gorgeous tonight.

  "You don't look okay at all." I heard a familiar voice behind me.

  I turn around to see my Kookie with his cheeky smiles.

  "Jungkook !" I smile as soon as I saw him.

  I run to him.

  "Wait , do I look horrible ?" I ask as I look up to see his face.

  His hand caress my cheeks.

  "No. You look absolutely gorgeous. Not just okay." Jungkook smiles at me. I can't help but looking down , embarrassed.

  "Okay , I know you don't like us having dinner at an expensive place , but please make an exception tonight."

  I tilt my head. He is gonna take me to some kind of expensive place ?

  "Umm , sure. But only tonight. You need to save your money for the future." I wrap my hand on waist.

  "And my future is not complete without you." Jungkook pulls me toward him and hugs me tight.

  "You are such a dork , Jungkook." I chuckle.

  "And I'm your only dork." He kisses my fingers.

  "Now come on. Let's start our date."

Nobody's POV

  Jungkook and Yuju talk about lot of things on their way to the restaurant.

  "And he gone crazy that day." Jungkook told Yuju everything that happened during all those 3 years.

  Yuju laughs at his jokes.

  "How much I wish I was there with you." Yuju sighs.

  "Hey hey. Don't say that. What's more important , I'm here with you. And I don't plan on letting you go ever again." Jungkook ruffles Yuju's hair.

  "Aww sheesh , my hair." Yuju's pouts as she quickly fix her hair.

  "Thank god you haven't change at all." Jungkook chuckles.

  "What do you mean ?"

  "You are still the same adorable and weird Yuju." Yuju hits Jungkook's shoulder.

  "I'm driving , babe." He laughs.

  "And we are here." He smiles. He quickly get out of the car and run toward the passenger seat to open the car door.

  "Aww , since when did my shy Kookie become this romantic ?" Yuju's heart flutter.

  "There's more where that came from." Jungkook winks.

Jungkook's POV

  As we walk into the restaurant , I can feel all the eyes on us.

  "Jungkook , I think they are staring at you." Yuju whispers.

  "Nope babe. They are definitely staring at your beauty." I wrap my arms around her waist.

  "Um , I can't walk faster with these high heels." She complains.

  She is so cute when she make that face.

  Ugh , I regret coming here. All these people are staring at my Yuju.

  How much I want to keep her all myself.

  I sigh.

  I hope tonight are gonna change everything.


  Heyyy guys. I'm so sorry for not updating for a while. Having a writer block actually hahah.😂😂

  I'm sorry this part is kinda bored. But I promise you guys that the next part is gonna be more fun and better than this.

  😂😂 That's all. Buuhh byeeee.






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