Chapter-3 : That Heartless Beast

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Tyler's POV:

"Boss, your father is still asking for you. Do you want to go to the hospital?" My secretary aka my right hand, Dane, asked me for the hundredth time. I groaned in frustration as it was getting on my nerves now. I was a busy man for fucks sake!

Seriously what's up with that old rag? He never cared about me and now he expects me to visit him frequently? Whatever!

"Okay. Take me to the hospital." I said, and looked outside the window.

The world in which I lived was very different from the world of a common person. I also wanted to live a normal life, where there was no killing or hiding. There will be freedom of walking alone on the street side, enjoying the weather. There would be no restrictions and danger to my loved ones.

But all of this is not possible as I am the Mafia King. Yup, a Mafia King! Thanks to my Father!

"Boss, we are here," Dane announced. I looked towards the hospital building, where my father was getting treated. A sneer already forming on my face.

We went inside the hospital and I looked around. Dane went to the reception to ask the room number in which my father was staying. Yes, I didn't even know his room number. That much I was ignorant of him.

I walked further in the hospital, just looking here and there. Dane was talking with the receptionist, when someone bumped into me and all the hot coffee from that person's hand splattered on me. The hot liquid was immediately absorbed by my shirt, burning my skin-- Fuck! I was about to curse the person and might have punched, but when I looked down at the person everything around me stopped. The world had stopped.

She.....she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, breath-taking. She had beautiful green eyes with ash brown hair that framed her beautiful face perfectly. She had the most delicate features and a perfect body. My arms itched to pull her close and took her in my arms. Woah, where did it come from?

"Ahh! I'm really sorry I wasn't looking." She said in her melodic and angel-like voice, which pierced my heart like a dagger. She started whipping the coffee from her.... handkerchief? My heart started to beat on an overdrive when her hand touched my chest.

I thought I was about to faint but my conscious was stuck at the angel in front of me. When I didn't move or say anything she lifted her gaze up and then our eyes met and wonders happened. It felt like I was drowning in a deep slumber, where nothing matters to me except the person in front of me. The world started to seem more beautiful around her pretty face and I felt myself getting paralyze.

But the moment was dropped dead when Dane came running from behind.

"Boss, are you okay? Woah! What happened here?" He asked when he saw all the coffee splattered on me. She quickly broke out from the daze and turned to face Dane, but my eyes were only trailed on her.

The way her lips moved when she spoke, her delicate and melodic voice.

"Sorry, I didn't see him coming. I-is he okay?" She asked Dane, whilst looking back at me. It melted my heart.

Ah! She's worried about me. What? I'm sounding like a girl... But I love this feeling. Did someone drug me?

"A-ah! He will be okay. You can go now. Thank you." Dane said. She just nodded awkwardly, which was so cute that I wanted to cup her face. She looked at me one last time and then went to the direction she had come from and my heart dropped. I felt empty all of a sudden. She seemed to take my heart along with her. I swear to God I was never cheesy before.

"Boss! BOSS!!" Dane yelled, shaking my shoulder. I was finally snapped out of my thoughts that were about to enter the wild zone. I blinked a few times before facing him, whilst clearing my throat to compose my posture.

"Uhmm...Yeah! I'm fine." I said, again masking my cold expression. He nodded, unsure, but stretched his hand out to guide the way.

"This way, Boss." He pointed. I just gave a curt nod, giving a last glance in the direction she had went. I was about to walk when my gaze fell on the handkerchief she was using. She has dropped it here.

I didn't know what came over me, but I picked it up and put it in my pocket. My mind was filled with her thoughts; her beautiful features were swirling in my mind. We went to the room where my father was staying. I entered the room, looking around, examining the surroundings.

The room was rather luxurious than the other rooms in the hospital. Indeed, it was a VIP room. He was lying down on the bed, eyes closed. Dane left the room and I walked near the bed. I sat on the chair that was placed near the bed. It had some minutes passed when I couldnt take this anymore.

"I know you are awake." It was silent for a moment, but then he sighed and opened his eyes, looking at the ceiling.

"Why have you called me?" I asked, breaking the silence but he still didn't speak. After a few more minutes, he spoke.

"Can't a father call his own son when hes ill?" He said, on which I couldnt help but to scoff. Anger bubbled in my veins just about thinking this power-greedy man as my father!

"Since from when you are my father or I'm your son?" I asked sarcastically. Images of his cruel acts, performed towards me, flashed through my eyes and I flinched in contempt and disgust. The pain of the horrible memories passed throughout my body.

"I will always be your father and you will be my son. Its because of me you are so successful today." He said, with a blank expression as if what happened or whatever he did to me wasn't anything.

"So, you are saying that making your eight-year-old child live a life of a trash is nothing. Taking away his childhood and forcing him to kill someone is nothing. Beating him saying that this will make him strong is nothing? And most importantly, killing his mother is nothing?! You are sick!" I yelled the last part, tears were threatening to spill out, but I restrained them. I wasnt going to cry in front of this heartless beast.

He finally looked at me, still with a blank face which increased my rage. There was no regret, remorse, or guilt in those empty, cold eyes.

"What I did is for your own good and its not my fault if she died during a gang attack." He said coldly, which shattered my heart. There was no remorse or regret plastered on his wrinkled face. My heart was immediately covered with a layer of frost as I looked at him with cold eyes.

"IT WAS YOUR FUCKING FAULT! YOU SHOULD HAVE PROTECTED HER! You know what? You should die alone and rot in hell!" I yelled on his face. I stood and left the room in a furry. I couldnt bear to be in one room with that person. I wanted to beat the shit out of him, but I restrained myself. Dane hot on my tail.

I got in the car and slammed the door shut.

He should die alone and rot in hell! That Heartless Beast!

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