Chapter-6 : Internal Injury

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Melissa's POV:

I turned on my side, snuggled into the warmth of my pillow and hugging it tightly. The pillow vibrated making me groan in discomfort.

What the heck? I'm having my best ever sleep and this warm pillow is disturbing me!

I felt something crawl up my arm and then my defense instincts kicked in. I jolted up and punch whoever was about to attack me, stretching my arm out, my hand in a fist.

I heard a loud thud and looked around the room as panic sat in me.

This isn't my room. Where am I? Who took me here? Does any gang find out that I am the "Dark Horse"? But why would they keep me in

Suddenly, I heard a groan, which confused me more. I looked down and saw the same man from yesterday, sitting near the bed whilst rubbing his head. His face frowned into a pained one.

"You! I yelled as I pointed an accusing finger towards him. He quickly opened his eyes that were probably closed because of the pain I had delivered him in the punch. What are you doing here? Did you take me here? What-" I was caught off when he suddenly got up and placed a hand on my mouth. His other hand went at the back of my head, caging my face between his hands.

I froze and my eyes went wide from the sudden closeness. Our eyes locked, while our faces were mere inches away. I stared in his chocolate brown eyes that gave a golden shade in the sunlight seeping through the window binders.

I tried to look away but it was as if his eyes had captured me inside them. Looking this close I noticed his features for the first time. He was a handsome man with a sharp jawline and perfect features.

His eyes seem to bore in mine. Finally, realizing the closeness, I slapped his hand away from my mouth whilst glaring at him. He simply smiled at me, his face still sticking close to mine, and I didn't know why but my heart was beating uncontrollably.

I think I'm sick...

"You talk too much. And for your kind information, you had fainted last night after which I found you unconscious. You were injured so I took you here, my home, and treated your wounds. Now you should stay on bed and the doctor will be coming anytime soon to check you." He said, smiling adorably at me. Wait....what?! Adorably?! Since when did I start thinking about men being adorable?

"Thanks, but no thanks. I'm going now. Thank you for taking care of me yesterday, but now I can take care of myself." I said, giving my fake sweet smile. I stood up from the bed without hearing any response, but soon lost balance because of dizziness. Black dots appeared in my vision, causing me to stumble a few steps. He quickly grabbed me from my waist, but that weird tingling again started to grow in the pit of my stomach.

I gently pushed him away by the elbow and stood away from him on my own.

"I-I'm okay. Thank you for your help." I said breathlessly. He frowned and grabbed my hand, making me sit on the bed. I looked up at his concerned face, which made my heart race for some reason.

"You don't look okay to me. You should better listen to me like a good girl and wait for the doctor." He insisted, sitting on the single couch in front of the bed.

I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at him with raised eyebrows.

"Who are you? My mother? I don't even know you. Why should I trust you? I'm going, anyway." I said, standing up again and gladly, succeeding this time. He didn't sit still at that but I ignored him and made my way towards the door slowly so that I wont fall this time. When I was about to open the door my arm was grabbed from behind as he turned me around while pinning me to the door.

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