Chapter-8 : Letting go

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Tyler's POV:

"I'm challenging your champion!" I shouted, standing from my seat as all the heads snapped towards me. Dane quickly rushed to my side with a shocked face.

"Boss, what are you doing? We are here for a meeting, remember? " He whisper-yelled in my ear. The leader of the Scorpion gang was looking at me curiously. I smirked averting my gaze from the fighting ring to him. He tensed immediately before mustering up a stiff smile on his face.

"I know we are here for the meeting, but I really want to challenge this undefeated fighter. I hope you have no problem with a fight, right?" I stated, my eyebrows raised, daring the leader to deny. He grinned and nodded towards me.

"Yeah, sure! The fight is going to be really interesting now. You can get a change in that room." He said, and one of his men came forward and led me to the room.

After a while, I came out in black leather pants with boots. Yeah, I had no shirt on. It was comfortable in this way.

Dark Horse didn't bother to suspect, who was his next opponent, which pissed me off. Cocky much! But sadly he's going to pay for this.

I made my way to the ring as the announcer introduced me.

"And the opponent who has challenged Dark Horse is here! Tyler Hunter! Our Mafia King!" He yelled in the mic as all the people started chanting my name. I simply ignored everyone and silently walked into the ring. It had been a while since I had been into hand-to-hand combat, however, for some reason I was feeling excited for this one. It was then, Dark Horse lifted his gaze up and looked at me, his eyes widening in fear.

Yes, you should fear me because I'm going to beat you black and blue.

A satisfied smirk crept on to my lips as I stood in front of him now. His initial shock had been recovered by now. He took a step back from me and spread his legs taking a defensive stance. When we were steady in our positions, the bell rang, and the fight began.

We circled each other at first for a while, waiting for the other to make the first move. But when he didn't make the first move, I threw a punch at his face that he dodged on time.

As much I had noticed from the previous fight, this fighter waits for the opponent to make a slow move, so I wasn't going give him any chance. He was fast and his lean figure was advantaging his agility.

I again made a move to punch his face and he raised his arms to shield his face. I took the opportunity and immediately punched his now exposed stomach. He bent down, clutching his stomach and stumbled backward.

I immediately went to his back, grabbing his waist from the back, and was about to flip him over when I was hit with a very weird feeling. His waist......his waist curvy and soft. As if.......a woman's waist?

I felt like this when I had grabbed Melissa's waist.

I was frozen at my position, which was a really big mistake on my part. Dark Horse recovered from the previous hit and reversed my current attack, flipping me over, head first as he landed on me with his elbow in my stomach.

I curled, clutching my stomach. He stood up with shaky legs. I wanted to stand but I didn't want to hit a........woman?

I know it's weird but I really think that he is a......well, she. I stayed laid and after a while, the announcer announced Dark Horse the winner.

The Dark Horse immediately walked out of the ring. I also stood and rushed out of the ring. I was about to follow Dark Horse but Dane grabbed my arm.

"Boss, are you okay?" He asked, eyeing me head to toe. I gave him a small nod, looking back to the direction where Dark Horse had disappeared now.

Okay, maybe another time. But I will find out your real identity Dark Horse. I'm sure that you are a woman.


Melissa's P.O.V:

I immediately walked out of the ring and made my way to the manager's office. After taking my money I quickly sneaked out of that place, careful that no one was following me.

Once I reached my apartment I fell on my bed with a loud puff.

Today I was about to get caught. So, my suspicion was right. He was related to the underworld. But I didn't expect him to be the Mafia King. I mean I had guessed that he might be some kind of gang leader. But this? This was unexpected.

And on top of that, he came to fight with me. But strangely, his presence wasn't that surprising than his being shirtless. Ahh! What am I thinking?

Anyways, I have to stay away from that Mafia King. I wonder if he doubts my identity and will come after me. After all, I have defeated him in front of other gangs, which is really humiliating in that world.

I took a shower to relax and let the things process in my mind. Everything seemed to turn upside down all of sudden. One day I'm having my casual life that is going to the bakery, laughing with Sofia, and then doing my street fighting in secret. And then, a stranger walks in, takes me to his mansion of a house, turns out to be Mafia King, and now on my tail. I changed in my nightgown and dressed my head wound again. It was bloody now because of the fight.

I swallowed the meds that the doctor had prescribed me for the dizziness before I slipped under the sheets. With the thoughts of that handsome Mafia King running in my mind I drifted to sleep.

* * * *

"Mel, you should leave street fighting now. At first, you needed money for making this bakery shop and to support your family. But now you have no reason. What if you got busted this time if you go there again? After all, he's THE Mafia King! All the people at that place will definitely obey him. What if they all allied to capture you?!" Sofia had been ranting for an hour now after I had told her the whole incident. I sighed, considering her advice seriously.

She's right. I have no reason to go to that awful place anymore.

"I think you are right. From now on, I will never go to that place ever again." I said determined. She smiled brightly and gave my hand an encouraging squeeze.

"Yes, now come on and get back to work. We have a bakery to run Sweet Baker." She said, winking at me. I laughed at her playfulness and we went back to our work. The remaining day was really busy. Many orders were delivered and overall it was a great day.

At the end of the day while walking back to my apartment I felt content and happy. And when I came to think about the reason, I realized that by making the decision of not going to the fighting club again, I had subconsciously let go of the hatred from inside.

'Letting go of hate makes you feel happy and content from inside.' This saying of my grandmother came to my mind and a smile spread across my face.

That night, I slept peacefully with a smile on my face.

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Hola readers!

Here's the new chapter. Its kinda short but why complain if you liked it. Right?

Anyways, please Vote, Comment and Share for this poor writer.



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