Chapter-9: Blind date

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Melissa's POV:

I was making pies and was almost finished when Sofia came running into the kitchen.

"Oh Mel, I have a VERY important call that I have to attend. Can you please attend the counter, in case any customer arrives?" She said in a hurry. The phone was ringing in her hand.

I looked at her in doubt, wondering what important call but nodded anyway.

"Okay." I agreed. She smiled thankfully picking up the call. I shook my head in amusement as she was about to trip in her rush. A chuckle escaped my lips before I went to the front counter. A customer was already there, peeking inside the kitchen but straightened himself immediately as I came into view.

"How can I help you?" I asked politely, smiling at him. He looked at me with a somewhat nervous expression. This guy was looking familiar for some reason, but I couldn't remember where I had seen him.

"OH....anything. I mean your special item. I'm sitting at the tabling." He placed the order and went to one of the tables. We also served inside the bakery like a small café. It just made the bakery more lively and cozy.

Something felt odd about that guy but I brushed it off. As I was about to go back to get the guy's order, Sofia came back running just like before and grabbed my arms, looking excited. It only gave me chills for some reason.

"Mel, I have good news!" She yelled excitedly. I glared at her, nodding towards the customer. She immediately turned to look behind her at the guy who was also looking at us now. Her face as she flushed red, clasping her lips together in embarrassment.

"Sorry." She muttered, but her smile didn't flatter as she looked back at me with stary eyes.

"Okay, what's the news?" I asked, and her eyes brightened up further if it was even possible. A big grin stretched across her face. I was getting the feeling that whatever this good news was, it wasn't going to be good for me.

"Mel, you are going on a date." She exclaimed happily. It took a few seconds before her words settled in my mind and then my eyes went wide like saucers. I blinked a few times, digesting what she had said before narrowing my eyes at her. See, told ya!

"What is this Sofia? Who said I'm going on a date? What are you talking about?" I asked, bewildered. She immediately grabbed my hand, which instantly annoyed me. She always did that whenever she wanted to convince me about something and it always worked.

"I said that you are going on a date. Remember that handsome doctor at the hospital. He asked me to ask you if you can go out with him-"

"No, I can't go," I stated monotone, cutting her off. She glared at me and started again, completely dismissing my protest.

"That's the point. I said you are going. Tonight at 8 he will pick you from here." She exclaimed, and I couldn't help but to groan in frustration. She's worried about my relationship life as if she's my mother. Like seriously! My own mother doesn't give any shit about my life but what can I say to her?

"You set me up on a blind date without my consent?" I asked angrily. However, it was completely ignored by Sofia as she only gave me a sheepish grin.

"Yup! Now don't be a drama queen. You said you will try to be normal." She retorted back, and I could only sigh now. Yes, I said that but I didn't say that I would trust men.

I gave her an annoyed look. But she started giving me those big puppy dog eyes. I groaned again in frustration and looked away but couldn't stop my heart from palpitating.

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