Chapter-7 : Meeting

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Tyler's POV:

I looked down at her departing figure from up the terrace. She wasn't fine but she still insisted to go. It pissed me off and only she could walk away with that. Her figure vanished from sight once she was far away from the mansion. I glanced at the nearest guard and he nodded in understanding of what he needed to do before leaving.

The fact that someone had hurt her urged my inner beast to just kill that person who had brought harm upon her with the most torturous death humankind ever known. Sever, I know but that's how I know to protect the one I loved dearly, the only person. However, that only person was cooperating even a bit right now. Looks like I have to find on my own.

"Boss, we have a meeting today at the street fighting club with the Scorpion Gang," Dane said, appearing from behind me. My blood boiled at the mention of that gang.

"Again? They are becoming a pain in the ass!" I gritted, angrily as I looked at him. Dane nodded and left. They really were becoming a pain in the ass. Their leader was an arrogant jackass and you know what? In this field, the members always suffer because of their arrogant leaders and I'm afraid that Scorpian members might be suffering tonight.

A wicked grin appeared on my face at the thought of teaching them a lesson and for making them a lesson for other gangs to not mess with the Mafia King.


Melissa's POV:

After leaving Tyler's mansion I went to my apartment and got ready for the bakery without thinking about anything other. I was on autopilot. Because of this exchange of places, I was late but salute to my great friend, Sofia. She was early as always and had already opened the bakery.

What will happen to my bakery if it's not for Sofia looking after it?

When I reached the shop I was bombarded with a lot of questions and honestly, I had already predicted it.

"Why are you late, Mel? Where were you? Oh My God! What happened to your head? Are you alright? How did it happen? Why-"

"Okay, okay, okay, Sofia! Calm down, calm down! Let me sit first." I said, cutting her off. She widened her eyes as if a bulb had gone on in her mind.

"Ahh! Yes! Come here and sit." She led me to the chair as if I couldn't walk on my own. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Nevertheless, it was still warming to know that you have a friend who cares for you.

"Is your head hurting? Do you want some coffee? Anything?" I smiled at her caring nature. It warmed my heart. I grabbed her hand, making her sit with me.

"I'm fine, Sofia. See, I had already treated it." I said, pointing to my banded head but the concerned look from her face didn't change a bit.

"How did it happen?" She asked, worried. I looked down sadly on remembering my father's doing. She immediately got the hint and hugged me immediately.

"I'm sorry, Mel. I shouldn't have asked you. Don't be sad. He doesn't deserve to be a father." She said, consoling me but she already knew that it won't decrease the pain in my heart. The damage my father caused was unrepairable. Father's were every daughter's first hero, but what will happen to them if the father is more like a villain, a terrific nightmare?

We didn't talk further about that and immediately went to our routine work. Time flew by as it was evening now. I was sitting for a break when I got a call from my manager who arranged fights for me.

"Hey, Tony. What's up?" I said in an intimidating voice to hide my real voice. Yes, not even my manager knew my real identity. It's safe in this way. I didn't want to meddle in any gang's affair.

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