Chapter-4 : Jerk

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Melisa's POV:

I was decorating the cake for the birthday of an eight-year-old girl, whose grandmother specially ordered that for her.

While decorating the cake a huge smile was plastered on my face, memories of my own grandmother was flashing in my mind.

Suddenly, the bell chimed over the door. I quickly whipped my hands off on my apron and dashed outside. Sofia had taken a leave to take care of her mother, so I was on my own.

Her mother had operated yesterday, therefore I forced her to stay with her mother. The operation was successful and her body was accepting the transplant.

A man in a suit was standing there, peaking inside the kitchen as he was slightly bending over the counter. He looked rich, which me doubtful why he had come on an average bakery?

"Good Afternoon, Sir! What would you like me to pack for you?"


Tyler's POV:

These days were like hell for me. It wasn't difficult to get details about that angel. But the real deal was was to think of a way to get to talk to her.

Honestly, I was- No! I am nervous. I was standing in front of her bakery. The bell ringed as I entered the bakery. It was small but not cramped up with pink and half-white decorating. Delicious and alluring desserts displayed on the glass counter. It had a harmonious atmosphere as a sweet smell wafted through the air.

There was no one on the counter and for a moment I thought I wont get to meet her, disappointment washed through me. But then...

"Good Afternoon, Sir! What would you like me to pack for you?" She asked, in her soft melodic voice, which heard like an angel was singing. I looked in her beautiful, soft green eyes that seemed to drown me in them. Her oh-so gentle and fragile figure urged me to take her in my arms.

I was snapped out of my trance when she asked again.

"Hello, Sir? Are you okay?" She asked. It caused a smile to creep up my lips as I looked at her cute-self. She was wearing an apron, which made her look adorable.

"Y-yeah, I-I'm fine." I mentally cursed myself for stuttering. She furrowed her eyebrows for a second, but then straightened her face.

"So, what would you like?" She asked, and "You" slipped from my mouth, immediately.

At that moment, I was silently praying that the earth might open and swallow me whole. Her eyes widened for a moment then a hard expression mustered on her angelic face. It was looking really stunning on her.

"Excuse me?" She said a bit rudely. However, it only made a certain place to twitch in excitement.

"You are excused," I said, without thinking, and gave her a smirk. She blinked a few times then gave me a rather hard look. It was getting worse but it just made me want to tease her more.

"Do you even want to buy anything? If not, then get out." She said angrily. It made her look more beautiful if that was even possible.

God, what is happening to me? Can a person even fall in love with someone at first sight? This deeply? Especially a ruthless murderer like me?

"Umm... I want this, this, this and that one too." I pointed to the cakes that looked delicious, as nothing other came to my mind. But then again, everything there was delicious as it was made by my angel. I would have bought everything if a glaring stare wasn't piercing through my head.

She gave a stern nod and took out those before packing them neatly. I was staring at her like a creep that I had become, but only for her.


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