He Likes Me.

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   I was schocked. Sam had just kissed me! Even more of a shocker I kissed back!

   "Im so sorry", Sam said.

   "No no no its fine that was n-nice", I stuttered.

   "Hailey I like you."

   "I like you too."

I then stared into his big brown puppy eyes. And he stared into my ugly dark brown eyes. Then he leaned in and kisses me again! I really liked him. I felt like my love fantasy was finally coming true.

   "Hailey I have never felt this way about someone."


  "Your special to me."

   "Hailey! Come down stairs now", my mother said rudely interrupting my moment.

   "Kay", I said to my mom. "Give me a minute", I whispered to Sam.

I walked downstairs to see what my mother wanted. As I walked downstairs I saw my mother upset. She looked like somone took her Micheal Kors purse or something. I finnaly reached the living room. My mom gave me a look. So I stood there.

   "What is this!", she said with an angry tone. She was holding a minila envolope.

   "Um I dont know."

   "This is your..." I stood there waiting with some anxiety. "COLLAGE ACEPTANCE LETTER!"

    I stood there in shock. The my mother and I both screamed in excitment. I could see how proud she was in me by the look of her eye. But there was a dark side to this. I had just hooked up with Sam so we were gonna be a thing. I wouldnt want to leave him.

   "Honey I am so proud of you. In fact im taking you somewhere tomorrow. Do you want some hot choclate or tea for now?"

   "Nah im good mom just gonna go up to my room and tell Kelly the news"

   "Ok", she replied.

   I walked up to my room and saw Sam sitting on my bed. He then saw me and stood up.

   "What happenend why were you screaming?"

   "I got acepted to really good collage."

"Oh congrats."

"Yeah thanks. So um are we." Ring Ring

   His phone had rang.

   "Give me a minute."

I stood and looked at him. He was all I ever wanted. I really liked him and now it was Happening!!!!

   "I have to go im sorry. Meet me tommorow during study hall at the blueish greenish buliten board."

  "Okay." He the openend up his arms and gave me a hug. Then whispered into my ear

"I love you." Then left.

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