man in all black

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(i'm rewriting this book a little better so bare with me for a bit)

Edit 2:sorry I left this book on a short I plan to fix this story a little then make the continuing sequal.

  People sitting in their warm houses while drinking coco while watching tv. They would laugh and have fun with their families, without a care in the world. They could careless about the homeless. Including me, shivering from the cold snow that floated down from the sky. I have no shelter, no food nor money to spend.

   The only thing over my head, was a small bridge. never was peace and quiet, always people walking over and chattering without a care. But it at least covered me from the falling snow. But it didn't keep me warm nor comfort. I only had a jacket I stolen to keep me warm and bread I managed to steal yesterday.

  I held the cold bread in my hands, a gush of air caused some snow to wash over me. Snowflakes coating the bread making it look like frosting. My lips parted and took a bit along with the cold melting snow in my mouth. Already the tips of my fingers felt numb, I hate people- own kind, I despise them.

  The bitter thoughts of families would anger me. Why would my parents leave me like this? Why? I didn't even finish high school with a roof over my head and technology. But somehow I'm still alive a year later, the god everyone seems to worship- only wants me to suffer. Suffer until my days are over, until death due me apart.

I munched on my cold bread 'I fucking hate this. Fucking hate people, so damn evil things that walked this earth.' My jaw clench down on the bread. The bread between my teeth, so hard my teeth hurt. I close my eyes from a gust of wind that pushed snow in my direction again.

  Snow coated half of my face, I growled as I slapped away the snow which left my face partially numb. A small sound of a hawking sound caught my attention. I turn my head, a  black bird stood in front of me. It's red eyes staring at me without making a sound. 'shouldnt birds be in (north/south) already?'

  I raised a brow.' did he lose his flock or something?' Feeling pity for it, I tear a piece of the bread and tossed it at him. The bread landed by it's foot it may on the patch of snow. His head bend down to it, peaking it. I took another bite of my bread "Did you lose your family?" I ask with a full mouth."Or did they leave you?" 

  His head lifted up and looked at me, his red eyes on me again. It chirped again, expecting more bread. "I'm not giving more, this is my meal for today, damn greedy bird" i growled before shoving the rest in my mouth."Go away" I muttered, kicking my foot at it.  By instinct, it backed away than flew away."damn birds" 

  I lay my body down on the hard ground. No matter how long I slept on this same ground, I'm still used to sleeping on my own bed. I miss my bed. My eyes stared at the ground and people walking by.'sleep...i don't want to sleep'. I never trusted my dreams, always so scary and dark. I hate them yet I like staying away from this world. already it's been 2 days since u last slept, I feel more drowsy because of lack of sleep. It's clear I need sleep "things will get better" i muttered, clenching my fingers on the thick fabric of the jacket.


  I lay on the ground, pitch black everywhere. I push my body up before standing on my feet."this is new". I turned my head around to find anything source of light of people in my usual dreams. But I seems there was no end to this darkness, there is nothing. My feet stopped when the sound of a crow echoed in this darkness.

  I turned to see that same black bird standing on a baby sappling that sprouted from the ground. I found it strange because there isn't any grass, dirt, nor sunlight. I backed away  from it " Are you seriously the same bird?" I stared at it 

yes my kitten (sebastian michealis x reader)modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now