contract bond

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after minutes of the demon assuring me of...stuff. i sat on my bed with a dented metal bat in hand. I stared at this guy- demon. "so in all, I made a deal with a demon and your going to serve me until my goal is completed?" I ask.
  he stares down at me, I could feel myself boiling over the fact hes taller then me. "And I happen to make a deal with a demon who is basically a skyscraper" I mutter under my breath.

  Without a word, the demon got on his knees, looking up at me.he kept his blank stare. 'creepy' "yes you are correct. I, your faithful servant shall serve you until death due us apart" he smiles as he places a arm over his chest.

  "Hey... is it possible to like renew this contract?" I ask, I never wanted a contract between a demon. Sure I hated my living but now, my future is in his hands.

  "I can see why you would ask that. By unfortunately you cannot. once the contract has been sealed, there is way to break it" he answers. I nodded my head, honestly I didn't have a choice. I mean he came to me in my dream and asked for a contract and I took it for granted.

  "What exactly is the contract?" I ask. Honestly I don't feel scared around him anymore. I mean he isn't going to get mad then kill me...right? I chose to stay away from the negatives ' at least nohi can boss someone around before I die' i hear him chuckle

  "As your faithful butler, I shall follow Evey order you give me. Weather it's serving you to murdering, I shall listen until the day I consume your soul" i crossed my arms ' that escalated

  "Ah I see" 'most of the myths about demon aren't all lies.'

 "since we are on the topic, we didn't discuss your goal..." he says before pausing. "Since we rushed the progress" i raised a brow. It almost seemed he's hiding something.but because of this bloody curse, I guess I'll just make the most of it before I dis.

  "I don't really have something to wish for." I answered.he sat silently debating about something.he plastered a smile on his face

" I lived long enough to master patience. I cannot let your soul go to waste" I nodded my head.

"and what is you want?i don't own anything fancy" i lift the top of the laptop screen, the pitch black screen went blue then showed a login screen.'i swear this sounds like a fairytale or some shit.i read enough fairytale and nonfiction about them to know, they eat souls or nightmares.oh my god i can make millions of dollars about demons!'  i rub my chin with a grin on my face.'i'll be famous for exposing demons'

"i don't eat nightmares" i looked at him, my smile disappearing.

"don't read my mind without my permission, thats a order!" i say pointing at him, a smile cracked through my serious face.i ended up laughing."i'm sorry but i can't take it serious that i am bossing someone older then me" i laughed but i stopped when he slammed both of his hands either sides of me.i looked at him to see him leaning in.i press my head into the wall, hoping the wall would accept me and bring me in to get away from him.

"what i want is, when complete for your quest or goal, is to eat your soul" 'well now i know how people got famous'

 "my soul?ok so let me get this straight, we made a deal.and once i compete my goal you eat my soul?" he nods his head.i tap my chin "are souls the only thing you can eat?" noticing the lack of space between us, discomfort rised in my chest, i pushed his face back "i like space" i mumble. "alright but i don't know what i want.this is a waste of your time" i sigh.

"i can wait.your soul is too tasty, to let to waste." i looked at him 

"ok then, um what about when i find out why my parents left me" i say blunty with a shrug.'that is the crappiest thing i ever said.i don't need to know, i don't want to either!! i have his demon taking care of me the fuck am i supposed to react to this!'

 "we'll go for that for now. but right now, i'm sure your hungry" he walks out of my room.

i followed eyes widen as i left my room. the size of the house and how nice it looked, i'm shock this is mine.the sound of footsteps snapped me out of my thoughts."hey, um demon wait up!" i called out as i ran after him."what is your name?" i look at him.he looks back at me.

"you name me" i gasp loudly 

"i get to name someone and it didn't come from me!?" i shake my head "sorry i'm weird...give me your face" i say holding out my hands.he looks confused as he lowered his head into my thumb went over his jaw  then his hand played with his black hair then i looked into his red eyes.'perfection, i can't think of a perfect name!' 

"how can moms name their child?" i mumble "you look like a sebastian" i muttered "yeah that'll be your name" i gently pushed his head up so he can stand tall eyes landed on his butler like clothing."once i get a job again, you are getting new clothes, i don't like fancy." i say walking into the kitchen."sebastian what can you do?" i ask as i turned to him.

" cook, clean, basically anything" i nodded my head.i walk to the other door in the kitchen that led to a diner table.

"shit" i muttered looking at it.walking to a seat i sat down.'i feel like those this how those 'popluar' girls feel with they are surrounded by cute guys?i wonder if they will get all jealous of sebby.' i chuckled to myself "sebby does fit him" i muttered 'but i do wonder what those girls do with their boy servants' my mind quickly went to a rated R scene.i cover my mouth and slam my head on the table."control the mind.control the mind.control the mind.control the mind!!" i sliently yelled.hearing a faint laughter from the kitchen."don't be reading my mind!i do not think purely!" i yelled. 

'man i am going to have to act different with him.he would be weirded out if he knew i was very dirty know what?his fucking problem and fault.he shouldn't have made that deal with me then, he'll have to deal with my bullshit' i laughed sliently

i looked around the room.a dinner table with a few chairs around me 'mrs. lonely oh so lonely!now i can see show lonely i am...i'm a fucking child.' i look at the table and saw my reflection.'this is really great but i cannot be spoiled, because it gets ugly' i leaned my head on my hand and sigh


"who's the princess?" my mother picked me up and swung me around.

"you mean daddy's girl, right sugarpie?" my dad patted on my head.i sat at the dinner table stuffing my face with food as my parents watched me do so.


i open my eyes with anger.i leaned back in my chair, looking at the ceiling.'this is a long morning.i got a demon butler serving me for my soul.i haven't felt this tired when i had to study all night then had to wake up early for test.' i sigh before rubbing my face.if my parents had't left me, i would have finished school and got a job.not deal with this crap

"everything alright, my lord?" i looked at him

i shurg "yeah just least i finished school but i have to get a job of some sort" i watched as he set plates down on the mouth and eyes widen, the amount of food.

"when i found you, you only ate bread. i made you pancakes with fresh fruit and eggs.if you want more i can make more"i nodded my head.he just stood there watching me

"please don't watch me.why don't you go do something" i smiled at him.the cold bitter feeling i had in my chest of when i realized my parents left me, return once more.the only thing i would wish for is to remove my emotions so i won't have this feeling keep bringing me down.but why did he remind of of my parents?

picking up the fork.i cutted the pancakes then stuffing one piece in my mouth.i held a thumbs up at him "very very good"


i finished the food and went to my room.i went through my dresser and grabbed some clothes since i am going to find a job."my lady, do you need help?" i hear him walk in.

"no i can get dressed myself.wait for me in the'll come with me to find me a job" 

yes my kitten (sebastian michealis x reader)modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now