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sebastian's pov

as i cooked y/n's meal, a smile stayed glue on my face.still i could feel her warmth on me.i enter the dinner table with her favorite food, "ffffooooooooddddd"  she echoes with a grin on her face.i bow as she starts eating, but it went unnoticed.

"calm down my lo-lady you'll get a stomach ache" a small sweat appeared on my head, i almost called her, love.she looks at me, stuffing another bite in her mouth.turning her head back to the food, she continues to eat like a starving wolf.i notice she pauses, chewing slowly as if there is something wrong.'did he cook it wrong?' i tilt my head.cook it wrong?it's the same how i always do it.she shakes her head 'no he couldn't mess up'

"my lady is there something wrong" she only shakes her head.

"no body isn't working right" ignoring the food's taste she continues to eat it up, probably to not make me feel bad for messing up.

"maybe a fever or flu, it might be best to rest" a few things appeared in my mind for the reason why the food is different.flu and fever are more occuring at this time of year.

"alright, i'll take your word. thanks you for the meal" she smiles, she stands up but she falls to her knees,

"my lady!" running towards her, when i grabbed her, it made it seem like i was cold.but she was burning hot, it was like someone poured oil on her and is cooking her with fire."your burning" the human body is so fragile, it could break in a second.but i didn't want her's to break. "but..." i touch her forehead, i felt something strange about her, her was fading then appearing, it was like it was disappearing.i look at y/n, her eyes weak with such heat on her.

a fever can be healed but y/n's fever is worse then the other fevers i dealt with.can a human die if the fever is too high?i notice a growing smile on her face, i look at her."why are you smiling?" i ask, but it seems it went mute in her ears.her eyes closed like how a wounded person slowly teeth pressed together "couldn't you chose a better time to come?" i ask, turning my head eyes landed on the spider on the wall.


"give her back!" i snap, dodging his attacks.he took a step back, pointing the sword at me.y/n squirms, she is feeling pain.

"you shouldn't be distracted" before i could turn, a single slice and my arm met the ground."y/n will just be fine" another stab."why are you so distracted by a mere human" another stab.with the human emotions of wanting to save and to dogde this demon's attacks, it becomes quite the task.y/n's slient screams and pleads, distracting me, the pain she would feel if i get hit.she doesn't deserve this.

"my lady" the demon stops in his place.he turns towards the girl then at me "run!" the demon run towards her.ready to stab her "say my name!" my attempt at being calm is failing. "call for me to save you and i shall!" pulling out my butterknives from my coat, i threw them at claude.he blocks them with the demon sword."why do you such thing on a human?" i ask before kicking him far from y/n

'sebastian, i order you to wake me up!' turning around, i reach to grab her, to wake up from the nightmare claude put her in. distract i was, the sword slid in my body like butter.blood splashed on y/n, my arms pulled away but her arms gripped on me.'sebastian?' i pull my hands away from her.i turn towards claude, i look at the wound on my shoulder.

"such a blow for little effect" i sigh. 'sebastian!' i turn my head towards y/n. "forgive my my lady, stay sleeping for a bit longer" my eyes glowed feather flew around me "you must want me to kill you for the damange your causing us" my eyes narrowed."i cannot let my master see me like this, so" i smile at him "lets finish before she wakes" as i try to transform back in my demon form my body flinched from the pain in my shoulder, blood splashed on the grass.

"michealis did you really forget what happens when you get stabbed with this?" i only could narrow my eyes, my body felt too weak to fight."i sliced your hand off, the bond is broken. soon the mark on her will disappear as well-"

"oi!" i turned my head, fear painted itself on my face.the disappointment and shame i felt, for her to see me like this.

"i guess now is better" i was shoved to the ground

"y/n!" claude stood in front of y/n, covering her away from me."y/n!" i saw blood dripping on the grass."damn you claude!" i snap at him.i push myself up 

"don't worry she won't die.i did you a favor and now the deal is up" clenching my teeth, i push my body to chase after him but already he disappeared.

"sebastian"i turn toward y/n, who only stood still."it hurts"  she moves her head towards me, her eyes scanning my body as if was more important then her."are you fine?" she asks, trying to hide the pain she legs felt like jello, the heartbreaking sight.

"don't worry about me, worry about-"

"sebastian" i stop. "are you sad?" she asks, i saw the shine in her eyes before tears ran down her face, she forced a smile on her face "don't be, i was only a mere human" i couldn't move.i wanted so badly to tell her she is wrong, the pain it gave me because i won't be able to tell her everything."i'm hearing things" she chuckles, her mind played the song 'beauty and the beast'

losing her balance i quickly ran towards her and held her in my arms, ignoring the pain the rushed in my body.

the human mind is a beautiful thing, isn't it?when something scary or sad is happening, the mind plays something beautiful and sweet to make it less wants to have peace.trying to hide the truth with a sweet lie.

"so warm" she mumble, "too bad i wasn't able to meet your lover" she sighs "but i do hope we can meet again in another life" she smiles

"don't say such things, i'm your butler.what kind of butler would i be if i can't heal you up" i forced words out of my mouth, the shame i held inside for not being able to save my lover.she moves her head, her big eyes looking at me with a soft smile, the softest i ever seen from y/ beautiful.

"even if you are a demon, you can't revive the dead...but you are still one hell of a butler"  her hand reaches and touches my hair "don't cry sebby" her hand moves to wipe my eyes, unnoticed tears sliding down my cheeks."it's dark, where have you gone?"

.her eyes slowly became dull, the scary part of dying slowly is that your senses slowly stop.your hearing and sight are the first to stop makes you believe you're alone, going to die alone"eat my soul before i die" i only stared, it was Claude's twisted plan.he took her soul inside the sword, her vessel is just dying.there is nothing to eat even if i wanted to eat, i wouldn't.

i watched her eyes go completely dull, her smile faded, into a curved line.her eyes staring at the night sky.i only stared, more water fell on her, thunderclaps echoed the field, soon i wasn't the only one crying.i held her tighter, whispering everything i wished i told her."i love you" my eyes opened to see her body gone."y/n!" i look around but nothing, her body gone.only the rain and wet grass i was like she never existed.


yes my kitten (sebastian michealis x reader)modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now