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i look at sebastian's shadow in the dark room we both stood in.my cold cheeks...i guess the room does get cold when a supernatural is nearby.his glowing eyes faded away, leaving his eyes back to normal, where i couldn't see what he was looking at.i look at my lap, a few tear dropes landed on it.i grasp it before throwing it at him, he dodged before it could hit him.

"don't dodge!" i yelled at him.his body now stood by the door but still i couldn't see his face."damn demon why the hell did you stop it!" i yelled at him.he didn't say anything, he only stood still."turn on the damn lights!how can i yell at you if i barely can see you!" i snap at him, he hesitately waled over to the lights then turned them on.but his side was faced at me, his hair covered the side of his face."damn demon!" 


"no! i want to know why you stopped it?didn't you state that for you to get my soul i can end my life sooner but you cannot have it if someone else takes my life?so why did you stop it!why did you let me die!" my hands clenched on the blanket."why!" i repeated.he didn't answer, only his head tilts more towards the ground.i clench my teeth "fine!" i grab another dagger and quickly thrusted towards my chest, again it was stopped.

"don't" i look away from my chest.i tilt my head towards the demon, who now stands in front of me with his fingers pinching the dagger.my face scrunched up at the sight."i cannot let you die yet, you still haven't agreed to what you wanted before i take your life." my eyes studied him, my head trying to figure out the reality answer to what i'm seeing."please don't attempt, as your butler, as a demon, i won't let you die until our contract ends"

"why are you crying?"


i move my body on the couch, my body trying to find a comfortable spot to read.my eyes stopped at a sentence, i move the book out of my face.my eyes looking at sebastian who was sweeping the floor."hey sebby, i wonder.is it true that your real form is just a black aura or something?" i ask, his head turns towards me.his hands stopped moving

"sorta, but my true form is...what you humans call hideous or disgusting" i tilt my head

"when i first met you, you were in a crow form, how is that hideous?"

"i used a animal's form that isn't true." i look back at my book before giggling."what's so funny my lady?" he questions

"it's funny how people just assume that demons are simliar to ghosts, just that instead of white they are black" he only took a deep breath

"humans are just interesting that way." by book my book closed shut, my attention is now on sebastian, all on him.

"what else are false about demons?" i ask

"we don't eat nightmares" i only smiled

"you remembered that?i'm surprised" he smiles before contuining to sweep.

"as a demon i remember a lot.even the little things.i lived long enough to start to remember almost everything i come across" 

"well is it true that demons don't know how to feel or act...'human'?" i look back at my book and flipped through a few pages."apparently demons are emotionless and dead inside now what about love?people love to make fiction how demons falls for a human and stuff, can a demon love?" i look up from my book at sebastian, who's back is turn to me.

he stood silent before turning to me, a smile on his face...a smile he never wore before.i couldn't even guess what human emotions it would be."yes, since demons are immortal.we tend to forget how to be human after a few centuries.but still we are able to blend in with humans..." he pauses."i knew a demon who was able to feel emotions for a young boy, motherly feeling you call it.it's rare for it to happen, for demons to love or to feel emotions again is pretty rare.but we demons have what people call 'soulmate' or 'fated lover' "

"ouu, a fated lover.maybe i should make my own book about this and get rich." i joke."a soulmate, did you find yours?no, how do you know you are fated together?so you like fall in love at first sight or it's mutal love?"

"i'm not sure myself...i still haven't found my lover" i smiled

"i feel like i should let you go find your lover," i stood up and walked over to him."right now your human form surely would make her or he to fall for you" getting on my toes i reached for his hair."you hair so soft and long, black as night.and your eyes, able to seduce anyone.and the smiles and grins you put on your mouth.you are what people call 'dream guy' " i smile at him."i know your a demon and all, but i wouldn't mind being your friend until you take my soul.i never had a sibling before and my life doesn't really matter so i wouldn't mind spending it's last around you" i smiled at him.i notice his big eyes and speechless expression, i quickly backed away "oh!sorry i guess not being around others i forget to give others space" i smiled at him

"n-no it's alright" i grinned 

"did you just stuttered?"


"oh you went back to stiff.so fancy, poshy, don't worry we aren't living in the fancy ages, you can relax around me, i don't really ask for a fancy butler.i won't mind if your my friend or what not instead"


he only looks at me, water contuines to drip down his face to my lap, soaking the bedsheets.the contact mark under his glove, glowed so bright it was like a light shining in your eye.his emotionless expression "this is a silly question to ask but...why does it hurt?" my eyes widen...his stiffness disappeared."my-my c-chest feels like it's being stabbed, my throat feels like it's been shot by a bullet.why does it hurt so much?i-is this normal?" he stuttered.my hands let go of the dagger, his body staggered."it doesn't feel right" 

"did you get your emotions back?"

(i know it's a bit out of character for sebastian.but it's 2019 not 1880's so i'll let him a bit out of character a bit, don't hate)

yes my kitten (sebastian michealis x reader)modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now