Getting Guys and Nicknames

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Annabeth's POV

It was Monday morning and I had to go back to school. I got to school and I went right to my locker. While I was at my locker Percy showed up. "Hey." he greeted. Let me guess, he's here to keep saying sorry for Friday. "Hey. Look, I'm really sorry." There it is. "Percy, stop saying sorry! I'm over it! Right now I'm more upset that you keep saying sorry about it than I am about the fact you did it!" He looked relieved. "So you're not mad?" "No. I'm not." "Good. I couldn't stand it if you were." "Lets go to class seaweed brain." "Seaweed brain?" He asked. "Seaweed brain. It's my nickname for you. You like swimming and sometimes you're so clueless that I think your brain is made if seaweed." I smirked at him. "Hey! Not nice!" "It wasn't supposed to be." "I'll have to call you... Wise girl." I laughed. "That's a compliment!' I say. "I know. But you're a really smart girl and your favorite animal is an owl which represents wisdom... so you're Wise girl." We laughed over our nicknames as we walked to class.

I realized that chappies in Percy and Annabeth's POV gets boring so I changed it up a bit. Here you go!

Silena's POV

I was at my locker grabbing my things when someone came over. I looked at who it was and instantly felt heat rising to my cheeks. It was Charles Beckendorf. "Hi." I said desperately trying to hide my nervousness. Normally I wasn't like this around guys but I couldn't stop myself. "Hey. How are you doing?" He asked. "I'm good. How about you?" "Good. I need your help with something though." "Okay." He looked like this thing was really bothering him. "So there's this girl I've liked for a while now and I don't know what to do to see if she likes me." He likes another girl. I felt my heart shatter but I kept it together so I could get this advice over with. "Just tell her how you feel and ask her out. If she says no then you know she's not for you and just know that if she says no it's not the end of the world." "Thanks. I'm going to go ask her right now." He walked away down to his locker, then turned around and cane right back. "What are yo-" He cut me off. "So Silena, I've liked you for a while now but I thought you would turn me down. I'm gonna get this over with because it's been killing me for weeks, so here it is... Silena will you go out with me?" Oh... My... Gods -don't judge mythology- he just asked me out. He just asked me out! I smiled. "Yes. I'd be glad to." I gave him my number and he said he would call me with date plans. I walked to class not being able to wait to tell the girls. I sat down and immediately squealed. "Woah girl! What's up?" Clarisse asked. "Charles just asked me out!" "No way." Annabeth said. I told them everything. Bianca laughed. "Easier than you thought it would be, huh?" "Yeah. I'm just so happy." "Well we're happy for you." Annabeth said. "I got mine out now Annabeth, spill." Then Thalia showed."Thalia where were you?" Bianca asked. "Sorry, I slept in late... again." "Whatever. Now, Annabeth... tell me everything!" She looked next to her. Percy! Crap! I forgot he was there! I saw his cheeks turn pink. "Guys can you leave?" "Whatever." Nico groaned as they stood up and left. Our teacher doesn't ever pay attention so it's like free period. "Silena! He doesn't know I told anyone!" Annabeth said panicked. "What's going on?" Thalia asked. "Percy kissed her." I spilled. All the girls started talking to Annabeth at once. She told us everything and her phone call. "He said it was an accident." She said defending him. "Oh, no." I said "Boys don't kiss girls on 'accident'. He meant to do it for a while he just couldn't stop himself." I say smirking. "Anyways..." Annabeth says dismissing it. "I like Percy but I don't know what to do about Luke." "Kick that boy to the curb, girl." Clarisse says and we all start laughing. "I agree with her. If you like Percy just tell Luke it's nit going to work between you and him." I say. "Okay. Thanks you guys. I'll do it the next time I see him." We talk for the rest of the hour until the bell rings. Then I see Charles on my way to my next class. 'He's almost mine. Almost' I think.

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