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Annabeth's POV

*Time Skip*

It was the end of the day and Grover must have said something to Percy about him acting weird because we finished off the day in awkward silence. We walked out of the building to the parking lot to wait for our parents. I immediately found a bench to sit on and whipped out my book. "Why are you getting ready to wait? Your dad is usually always on time." Percy asked. "My step-mom's picking me up today." I replied. "Oh now I get it." My phone started vibrating in my backpack so I pulled it out and looked at who was calling. It was my mom. "Hey mom." I greeted. "Hey. Listen Annabeth, I'm not coming to pick you up today. Bobby got in trouble and your dad's busy so I have to go to his school in less than ten minutes." Of course. "How did Bobby get in trouble on his first day?!?!" "He played some prank on one of his teachers." "How am I gonna get home?" "You're going to have to walk. I'm sorry sweetie but I just don't have enough time to pick you up before I go to Bobby's school." "It's fine. I'll walk." "Thank you. Love you." "Love you too mom." "Bye." "Bye." I hung up my phone and put my book in my backpack. "What was it?" Percy asked. "My mom can't pick me up so I have to walk home." I grumbled. "You don't have to walk. Your house is on the way to mine. My mom can take you home." Percy offered. "Really?" I asked "Yeah. What are friends for?" For some reason 'friends' hit me a little. "Thank you." "No problem." Right then a dark blue mini van pulled up. The driver rolled down the passenger window and I recognized the driver as Percy's mom, Sally. "You ready Percy. Oh, hey Annabeth." She greeted. "Hello Ms.Jackson." "Please call me Sally." she said back to me. "Hey mom, is it okay if Annabeth rides home with us today? Her ride canceled on her." Percy asked. "Of course. Come on kids." We got in the car and Sally started driving to my house. We rode in silence for a bit until Per y's mom broke the silence. "So how was your first day guys." Sally asked us. "Good." Percy answered. That's like the easiest answer for if you don't want to talk that much about it. "So anything new? Any new friends?" That's the question you get back from the parent if they're not taking a simple 'good' as an answer. "Not really anything new and yeah we made a new group of friends." Percy answered his moms question. "Any new relationships?" Sally asked. I almost started laughing. Thats the question you get from a parent who wants to know everything about your life so you can talk about it later. Percy looked a little pained when his mom asked that last one. "Well Luke and Annabeth are going out now." Percy answered dully. "Oh, Annabeth thats great!" "Thanks." "Oh, my house is right up here." Sally pulled in to my driveway. "Thank you for driving me home." "Anytime Annabeth." "See you at school tomorrow Percy." "See you there." Percy said as I left the car and walked up to my front door. I pulled out my keys and unlocked the door. As I went inside Sally started pulling out. Man I wish my step-mom was more like her. I got inside and went up to my room. It was our first day so I didn't have any homework. So I just laid on my bed thinking of how Friday with Luke will go.

Percy's POV

My mom and I were pulling out of Annabeth's driveway when my mom started a conversation. "I like her. I think you two would be a cute couple." I was mentally cracking up. "Mom! We don't like each other that way!" No. Not my mom too. First Grover sounds like he's trying to set me up. Now my mom is trying to set me up. Plus both conversations were about the same girl. "I don't know sweetie. You guys have been friends for a while. Plus when are you gonna get a girlfriend?" "Mom! I have new friends to tell me I need a girlfriend but I don't want you saying it too!" She's starting to scare me. "It's weird talking about dating with my mom." Sorry but I can't lie to her. "Fine." she sighed. "You can talk about it next weekend with your dad." We pulled into our apartment building parking lot. "I'll stick to friends saying I need a girlfriend." Mom and I laughed at that as we got out if the car. We went up to our apartment and I went right to my room. Yay! No homework but now I have nothing to do. So I just laid down on my bed. Staring at the ceiling I started wondering if Annabeth liked me too.

As you can tell I decided to change the cover and I know this chapter didn't have a good ending but it's late, I'm tired, I can't sleep, and I had no ideas so yeah. Bye.

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