'Tomorrow' and 'Yet'

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Annabeth's POV

"Okay Annabeth. What can I help you with?" Silena said immediately. I told her everything and there was a pause in the conversation. "Well I have to be honest. I don't really know what to do." "Silena. That's not what I wanted to hear." I whined. "I'm sorry but I thought it would take more time, I mean come on! Clarisse is right you know! I like Charles but I'm too chicken to anything about it! Annabeth-" she calmed down and was at a encouraging sigh like mode. "- I don't even know what to do with my love life. The best I can say is to talk it out with him. I gotta go. I'll see you at school on Monday." "Thank you. See you there. Bye." We hung up and I sat on my bed. 'Tomorrow. I'll call Percy and talk tomorrow' I thought. Then I went to the kitchen to clean up.

Percy's POV

I was so mad. Not at Annabeth for kicking me out, but at myself for kissing her. What was I thinking! Well now I don't have a ride so I have to walk home. I mean I can't stand in Annabeth's driveway for 20 minutes waiting for my mom to show after calling her last-minute. I stated walking towards my apartment building.

-Time-skip- (Still Percy's POV)

I finally made it home. I unlocked the door and my mom looked worried. "Percy? Aren't you supposed to be at Annabeth's? Is everything okay?" "Yeah mom. Everything is fine. I just walked home, thats all." She still looked worried. "Why didn't you call me to pick you up?" "Long story." I said. "It's the weekend. We have time." She wanted to know everything. That's what I told her. She just looked at me. "Sorry to say this but oh my, you're right it's weird with me in your love life. Just go call one of your friends for advice." I laughed and went to my room. I'm not calling my friends. I can call her tomorrow and talk it out. 'Tomorrow' I thought. Does a day really help? I don't know. Might as well try then.

-Next Day-

It was about 1:00 p.m. so I decided to call Annabeth now. I called her and she picked up almost immediately. "Hey, I was just about to call you." She says. "Hey about yesterday. I'm sorry." "It's okay." She said. "Can we just forget it." She said sadly. I know that in these times I'm supposed to say "of course." but I couldn't do that I want to remember that... I want her to remember it. "Annabeth..." "Yeah?" "I've liked you for a while now. At first I didn't know why I kissed you but on my way home yesterday I realized that... I just did what I wanted to. I'm sorry if you didn't exactly want me to say it but it's true." It sounded like she was crying on the other end. "I just... I just don't know what to do." She said with a sigh. "Neither do I." I admitted. "I have to go Percy." "Okay. Bye." I said sadly. "Bye." We hung up and I felt relieved. I did it! I told her how I felt! Plus she didn't turn me down! 'Yet' I reminded myself. Whatever, I'm throwing 'yet' out the window. I'm happy and I like it that way.

Hey guys! So yay! Confessions! I know there may be times in here that a good, traditional swear word would compliment but sorry, I don't do swear words. Trust me I have thought of it but I gave been perfectly trained not to swear and if you are one of my friends who has actually met me in the world above the computer/phone/ipod screen, then you know it. Okay, so yeah... Bye!

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