Memories: Old and New

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Annabeth's POV

It's Saturday so we don't have any school. I got all my homework done last night and my parents and step brothers are at a baseball game today. I didn't want to go so I'm at home alone and I'm bored. It's about 12:45 p.m. I hear my phone going off and I check the caller ID to see who it is. It's Percy. I smile and answer the phone. "Hey." I say "Hey." He sounds tired. "How was your date with Luke yesterday?" I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to say. "Honestly I din't think there's going to be another date. It was so awkward and we were barely talking to each other." I say sadly. "Oh, I'm sorry it didn't work out." "It's cool." "So what are you doing today?" "Right now I am sitting at home by myself because I don't like baseball when the rest of my family does and has tickets." "Lucky. I don't get to stay home alone yet because my mom feels like I will burn this place down." I start laughing. "You probably would burn it down." "Thanks. Thanks so much for the back-up." Percy says sarcastically. "Sorry but I speak the truth." We laugh for a minute and Percy speaks up. "Ugh, I'm so bored. I'm just sitting in my room while my mom talks in the phone to someone I do not know the bane of." "Come over to my house then. We can hang out and enjoy being bored together." I say with a smirk. "Really?" "Yeah, come on. Remember we used to hang out all the time in 7th grade." "Okay then. I'll talk to my mom." "Okay. Bye, Percy." "Bye." We hang up our phones and I grab a photo album out from my dresser.

Percy's POV

I know it was pretty selfish but I was happy when she said her date was bad. Now she won't date Luke and I get to hang out with her today. I just have to talk to my mom. Easiest part. I walk into the living room and my mom's on the couch watching some talk show. "Hey mom." I say sitting next to her. "Hey, what's up?" She asks. "I know you hate my shows so you must have a question." She knows me so well. "I was wondering if I could hang out at Annabeth's house today." "Yeah. I'll drive you over there right now." "Okay. Thanks." I get up and grab my phone and my mom grabs her purse. Next thing we know we are out the door and I text Annabeth to say I'm on my way over. We get to her house and I say bye to my mom. Annabeth lets me in and we sit on her couch. "Hey. I'm sorry the thing with Luke didn't work out." I say. I'm kind of just double checking that I wasn't in la-la land imagining her talking about her date. "It's fine. I'm over it." Yes she's not hung up on Luke! "Hey look what I found earlier!" She says jumping off the couch and grabbing a book of the kitchen table. She brings it to me and I see that it's a photo album of when we were younger. I know we were only friends for three years but we hang out a lot. I open the book and point to a picture. "Hey. Remember that?" We laugh. "Yeah that was in 7th grade when your mom took you, Luke, and I to the carnival in town." We smile at the photo. It's a group picture of Luke, Annabeth, and I with the ferris wheel in the background. Luke had an ice cream cone in his hand, Annabeth looked normal and by that I mean she didn't look like she was on a sugar high. Lastly I had blue cotton candy all over my face. We looked through the album for about 3 minutes until we came across a picture of Annabeth and I. We were in her kitchen baking blue cookies. "Mmm, remember our blue cookies?" "Of course I remember, they were delicious. Well, the second batch was." We flip the page and theres a picture of our first batch. Burnt so bad they were like rocks. We start laughing. "You know. I wonder if we would burn our first batch if again if we made more." I say. "Yeah. Well lets see. I have cookie dough from one of Matthews school fund-raisers." "Lets do it." I say getting off the couch. "Just. Lets try to not burn down the house." "Fine." We get in the kitchen and we whip out the things we need. Cookie dough -sugar cookie and chocolate chip-, blue food coloring, blue frosting, a cookie tray, and clear plastic gloves. We put the dough on the tray and put on the gloves. I took one of the dough balls and put a couple drops of food coloring on it. I started rubbing the dye around and started smushing the dough until all the dye was mixed in. Annabeth and I did that for all the cookies. We put the tray in the oven and decided to hunt for sprinkles. Annabeth found them and we started laughing because it was a one color pack. They were all blue. The cookies finished and cooled so e started decorating and putting frosting on some of the sugar cookies. When we finished I decided to mess with Annabeth so I said "Hey Annabeth, look at this." She turned to me and I had frosting on my hand so I smeared it on her face in a little design. I gave her a blue mustache. "I'm fine, really, it doesn't bother me." She put some frosting on her hand. I started to run but she grabbed my wrist and rubbed her hand on my face so I had blue frosting all over it. We started laughing then Annabeth said "We used to do this exact same thing whenever we baked." "Yeah. I guess that means we are still highly immature around baked goods." I said laughing more. We stopped laughing and we were looking in each others eyes. I started leaning in and next thing I know I'm kissing Annabeth with frosting all over my face.

Annabeth's POV

Percy kissed me! OMG he actually kissed me! My first kiss was with Percy while we had frosting all over our faces. We released and I was so shocked that I just stared at him for a couple seconds until I got nervous. "Percy... um... maybe you should leave." I could hear cracking in my voice from being so nervous. "Annabeth,I'm so sorry I didn't mean-" I cut him off. "Please. Just, please go." I heard sadness in my voice. "Okay." Percy walked out the door and turned around. "I'm really sor-" I slammed the door. I went to the bathroom and washed the frosting off of my face and went to my upstairs room. I felt a tear stream down my face as I whipped out my phone to call Silena. We gave each other our numbers because she wanted to know everything about my love life to play matchmaker. Silena picked up the phone quickly. "Hey, Silena." I said still beginning to cry. I was confused and frustrated. Not because he did it but because I didn't know what to do. "I need your help."

Hey so yeah, the beginning of Percabeth and the baking of blue cookies. Thank you for 20 reads guys! This is great! I'm newer to Wattpad so this book has more reads than my other book "Silena's box" so this is amazing. Please read "The Arcane Society" by TheSkippingStone. I loved this book. I thought it was amazing plus it was written by one of my best friends but I'm not pulling the "I only liked it cuz shes my friend" thing. No I really liked it so please check it out. Thanks! Bye!

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