1 - Jack & Crutchie

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Crutchie leaned against one of the brick walls of Manhattan, watching the other Newsies flip and jump. They were graceful, like swans, or maybe ballerinas. He couldn't think of anything more. He actually couldn't remember the last time he had even seen a swan or ballerina. Crutchie made a mental note to go to more of Miss Meddas performances, or maybe he could ask Jack to illustrate a few pictures.

Crutchie watched in awe as Racer spun on an old newspaper, jumping and doing a backflip right after.  To be frank, Crutchie wanted to throw his crutch away and join the other acrobatic newsboys, but it was utterly impossible. His dirt-covered face fell at the thought.

Crutchie tucked a stray piece of blonde hair behind his ear, still watching the newsies. Elmer had picked up Racer, and now the two had started cartwheels with each other, rolling around in the dirt. Crutchie smiled, wondering how it felt.

Crutchie felt something on his cheek and put his hand to the spot he felt- His cheek was wet. Crutchie had started crying. He instantly tried hobbling into the Newsboys Lodge, but was stopped by the famous Jack Kelly, Crutchie's best and most dearest friend. 

"Hey kid, where's ya ol' crip goin'?" Jack asked, not noticing the male's tears until Crutchie looked up. "Whoa, kid, what's the matta? Some jerk try to bully you or som'? I'll kill that bas-" Crutchie's hand flew out and grabbed Jack's, squeezing them as he shook his head no. "Jack-?" He croaked. "Why can't I do what the other newsboys do? You-You see them runnin' an' jumpin' an flyin' like them are, so how come I gots to be the one who's cursed with this dumb ol' bum leg?" Crutchie whimpered.

Jack laughed. "Crip, why ain' you said so?" Crutchie looked at him with a questioning look. "What do you mean?" "Why ain't you tell me you wanted to jump like em' rest o' us?" Jack took Crutchie's crutch and put it aside. He picked up the younger male and held him up. "Newsies! We gots us some important business to do, come over here and get a move on!" He yelled, placing the crippled boy on his shoulders. 

The newsboys gathered 'round their leader, wondering what was going on. "You see this miserable kid ups here?" Jack asked, gesturing to Crutchie. Crutchie scratched his cheek, unaware of what Kelly was brewing.

"He want's to fly likes the rest of us newsies. Now, can we do thats for our brother?" A ripple of replies circled around Crutchie and Jack as newsies muttered their approval. "Uh, Jack? What exactly ares you gonna do to me?" Crutchie asked, suddenly regretting ever asking about flying and dancing and spinning.

Racetrack reached up and grabbed one of Crutchie's legs, causing the boy to almost fall of of his carrier. "Careful, Race! You don't wan' our crip to fall and hurt somethin' else now, do ya?" Jack snapped, lifting Crutchie and carrying him bridal style. "Now, each of you grab his right or left leg and gently get him into an ol' ice cream split!" Jack ordered, then turning to Crutchie. "Tell us if it hurts. We could do anotha if you don't like this one." Crutchie smiled, shaking his head. "I'll be fine, Jack."

The newsboys of Manhattan got a crip to do a split, carrying him through the neighborhood streets. 

Crutchie smiled, riding atop of Jack Cowboy Kelly's shoulders with his newsie friends, screaming at the top of their lungs, "Carrying the Banner".

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