My King

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[Trailers Ahead!!!!]


"Your Majesty!" The maid yells.

Jungkook groaned turning over on his extremely comfortable bed. His father had just passed the month before.

"What do you need Seonu!" Jungkook groans.

Jungkook still had to get used to the name, with the sudden death of his father the boy had just turned 18, the perfect timing of his adulthood for him to rule. He was now the new king. The king of Goldernia. The golden kingdom. Not specifically gold, but very treasured and secure.

"You Majesty, we are preparing for the traditional 'check up' ceremony" The maid yells back.

"I'm still mourning!" Jungkook excuses.

Jungkook was being very sarcastic, but he was King now why does he have to follow such 'rules' when he could change them? He didn't even miss his father, he does wish his father could be back to get all these people out of his face constantly throughout the day.

"I-im sorry your Majesty I understand it is short notice, but we need to check on the... Population downstairs..." The maid mutters. He whispers slightly at the last parts hinting towards the vampires, Jungkook assumes.

Jungkook didn't see what the big deal was. So what if the fuckers didn't eat, what do they need them for if they're  prisoners? They should kill them off so they stay dead.

"Fine! But I do not want to be bothered" The king says.


They walked through the dungeon, hearing quiet groans and scratches. He walked up to one of the vampires, disgust written on his face.

"B-blood" A vampire croaks.

Jungkook ignored her walking past the vile creature. He saw a male walk up to her holding her close and away from Jungkook. He remembered telling them no physical contact.

"Your Majesty, The male is one of the new prisoners..." A guard starts.

The male stared across the hall towards Jungkook.

"You don't like to listen huh? Do you need to learn the rules?" Fucking useless prisoners! He thought scowling.

"Oh please! You weak humans can do nothing to physically harm me! I could k-" A vampire snarls.

"Be quiet Vernon" A new blood sucker interrupts.

Jungkook heard another deep voice coming from the cell.

"B-but-" The vampire stutters.

"Walk away Vernon" The new vampire continues.

"Who's there?" Jungkook spoke up suddenly, not liking the interruption.

"12301995" The voice replies.

Jungkook almost face palmed, how the hell do they expect him to remember numbers. He clearly was asking for the males name since he wants to make himself present in situations.

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