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"JUNGKOOK!!" A voice boomed.

Jungkook shot up from the bed covering himself with the sheets. He looked over at Taehyung pushing him.

"Go! Go!Shu! Hurry" He whispered harshly.

Taehyung looked annoyed but he still hopped up somewhere. Jungkook assumed the ceiling.

The King noticed it was his friend Jimin.

"Jimin?! You scared the shit out of me" Jungkook says harshly.

Jimin ignored his friend this time as it was urgent. If it were another time he'd burst of laughing.

"Jungkook it's important!!" Jimin rushes.

"Go on." Jungkook waved him on impatiently crossing his arms.

"Someone saw you two! They were talking about going to the head councils! You have to get dre-" Jimin shouts in a low voice.

"Wait! wait hold on...they saw us- how do you know of us two? Ji-" Jungkook begins.

"Now's not the time Jungkook! They are marching to your room expecting a man in bed with you!! You have to get everything in order, like now!!" Jimin motions.

"Did they say anything else!?! What do they know?!?!" Jungkook asks.

Lord Park pushed Jungkook on to get dressed while informing him of the situation.

"I didn't hear much but its that old bitch Lord Choi! He and his mistress apparently saw you last night with a man." Jimin says.

Jungkook was in shock. He had not been careful. How could he have become so careless? He is the king, when did he act so childish? He looked up toward the ceiling biting his lip. I know you hear this. J-just stay there for now.

"Jungkook is this true? Where is the man?! Why didn't you tell me?" Jimin pestered.

"'s complicated.." Jungkook says.

Jimin finished the button and tied any string toward the back. He checked Jungkooks look and he thought it was acceptable. It wasn't the fine 'maids work' but it would do. He ran to the beds trying to at least straighten them like any maid would do early these mornings. But because Jungkook dismissed them from coming and stayed in, the sheets were ragged like before.

They both heard some shouting going on outside the big doors.

"This is the kings headquart-" Seonu's voice is heard trying to negotiate with the council.

"Move along." A voice dismisses the maid.

"-ers you cannot be here!! You canno-" Seonu tried again.

The doors burst open and they quickly turned in that direction. Lord Choi followed behind a group of men and women just below the council people arguing. He likes to call them council rats, that's exactly what they were anyway.

"What is this? I would like to know why your interrupting my peace?" Jungkook said sternly.

"Yes, what is the meaning of this. Me and his majesty are having an important meeting." Jimin joins.

"O-oh Lord Park? Your majesty I didn't know my Lord was visiting to-" The council person speaks.

Jungkook put on his king role quickly. Using their nervousness to his advantage, now that they've realised their mistake of barging in on the king without any reason.

"Why have you entered my room unannounced?" Jungkook demands an answer.

They stirred in place with their heads lowering slightly, ashamed.

"Who gave you permission to enter my room UNANNOUNCED!!? ANSWER ME!!" Jungkook roared. He was pissed.

When did they ever think they had any right to enter his section without permission. It was absolutely disrespectful to his position. They basically said "fuck him" right to his face, that they could care less about him being king. Jungkook could have all of them executed for barging in, and he might just do it.

"We are deeply sorry your majesty! We were unaware of the situation! There seems to have been a misunderstanding!!" Screams of begging erupt.

"You insist on DISRESPECTING ME!!" Jungkook roared again.

They cowered away, shaking like a leaf at the king shouts.

"P-please your majesty it was a misunderstanding!! We promise!!" A council person says.

"Speak on this misunderstanding." Jungkook demands. He knew already of course, but he still wanted them to say it. Just in case they would lie to his face as well.

"We heard news of someone else being in-" The person begins.

"Someone's here my Lord."

Jimin heard the man next to Lord Choi whisper really low. He smelled it the stench of his new king. He slowly look up not moving his head. He saw him in the corners of the ceiling standing on the columns by the shadows. Unseen to the human eye. He gasped but covered the sound. This was bad. A new smell hit him, the smell of underground vamps that he couldn't miss. He looked up and met the eyes of another man. A vampire. Choi has a fucking vampire on his side!!

He assumed the vampire wasn't in a strong enough position to hears his thoughts. Jimin couldn't hear thoughts either. But recently he hears mutters of words that don't come from people's mouths. He thinks it has something to do with Taehyung blood. It was the only reason he was even close to abilities, common bloodline vampires like him were impossible to produce magic, or any power for that matter.

The vampires words replayed in Jimins head. Oh fuck! The man can smell Kim!! The other couldn't have smelled Jimin do to his masking scent. At least he was pretty sure. If the man did he didn't make any move otherwise. Jimin couldn't think his, brain was pounding too much to do anything.

Just then Lord Choi spoke up. His old condescending fart tone uprising like a pesky clerk who wouldn't stop spitting words. Or that bird that continously chirped passed morning.

"Are you sure no one's here your majesty?"

Jungkook turned to him in shock and fury. He really disliked disrespect, and he absolutely hated anyone challenging his position. Everyone doubting him, pissing him off left and right with the babying just like his damn father. A useless annoying bunch of pests, like little rodents digging around everywhere, without respect for anyones personal space. God he hated them ungrateful rats even when he was child, so he heard so did his mother, he was like her in that area and many others. His father always said he carried after his mom more, and to him that was never an insult.

"Are you questioning me?" The king Hisses.

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