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This situation isn't actually serious, correct? Nearly impossible coincidence, that the same witch that he summoned for literally help against another witch he could not get rid of, was the answer to all of their problems. Someone had to have some laugh right now, right? Where was the joke? The frustrating time consuming days, weeks, months and yet the answer of the simpliest solution which seemed like a tragedy only seconds ago. If possible, the thought of the bothersome joke ending would be marvelous as of now.

"What the hell do you mean?" Yoongi is first to speak, I volume elevated, breath raged with a hidden coat of tired desperation, and frustration.

Seoyeon struck right between the eyes with hesitation. She didn't really understand, what had she missed that would've given her any hint? Was the witch in the wrong? She surely thought everyone was aware of her creation of Taehyung, as it was written in deep black ink, saved on a thin sheet of paper. She was one of the only witches to ever create a birthed vampire for royalty. She thought legends or tales would've been told by now, but of course she missed out on many things. Like the death of the kings. Maybe they died far too early for actually sharing the news and passing it on. A pity really.

Had Taehyung truly thought Irene was his creator? Did they all believe this? That could only be explained for why such a powerful created being as he was trapped by a evil spirited weakling. Irene wasn't the weakest, but surely not the strongest, her powers couldn't protest that fact. It all made since to her now, the reason Irene would intrude so dangerously on thin ropes with her creation.

What Seoyeon had yet to still understand was what exactly happened between Irene and Taehyung, and why she had any motivation to do this? So confusing to her, she knew the witch was a complete lunatic about birthed vampires, the desire to create these beings for her own sport. Using them as her army, her slaves, she would rant on and on about them. Oh how Seoyeon despised her, the aura the other witch constantly gorged herself is was completely sickening. Yes, she's made it known that she knew previously of Irene, but never actually explained how.

Before she can speak Yoongi is on his feet, pacing around and about to erupt.

"You meant to tell me you knew her all this time? And you knew she never created him?!!" He's furious. It's obvious. But, there's fear. True terror and it comes to a very deep realization that hes only frustrated and furiously worried for his friend. However, she wasn't to blame, he knew that. The anger was his only response. He knew that not once before did he ever address the witche's name, to his foolish disappointment.

"I'm sorry for not stating, had I known you needed this information I would've addressed it earlier." The witch moves slowly, closing in the space between her and the other presences in the room, nearly forgetting they were there. She shares a glance with the human, who looks dazed, and confused. Probably unknown to alot of things. The newborn comforting him slightly, a hand on the human's shoulder. His eyes however, on the witch. He's a protective one for sure.
"I know you're concerned for your friend, I am concerned for his being as well, as a promise to the late kings."

Yoongi chuckles darkly, snapping up to meet her gaze, shredding any competition within her soul that would dare fight back. "F-friend?" He whispers aggressively. His teeth clenched. "He isn't my friend. That's my brother out there, do you understand me? I raised that kid, I was there for him when he shut down after that bitch of a person ruined his entire life! Where were you? Aren't creators connected to their creations?! We needed help, the kings needed help, Taehyung needed help. He never told me about what the witch did, but I'm not stupid enough to believe she didnt do something to him. I watched him disappear during the days, ecstatic, naive. Suddenly his will to live wasn't his own. Where were you, Seoyeon?"

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