Chapter 7

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The morning sun filtered in through the curtains, waking you from your deep slumber. Eyes fluttering open, you were met with the sleepy gaze of Jeremiah admiring your peaceful state, a smile gracing his lips upon noticing you were stirring. You groaned, reaching for your phone only to realise you left it in your room.

"Relax, you don't have work for another 3 hours." Jeremiah reassured, pulling you against his hardened chest. His cologne lingered from last night, the faint smell filling your senses and bringing a smile to your face. He was so warm, like your own personal body heater. Your voice was barely above a whisper, still processing last night's events.

"Last night was... different." Jeremiah's brow furrowed, concern written across his face as he gazed down at you. "Did you not enjoy it?" he asked, moving a lose strand of hair out of your face. You hesitated, thinking about all the possible things you could say. It wasn't that you didn't enjoy it, far from it in fact. Things just felt... different now. Like a bridge had been crossed and crumbled behind you.

"I did, but... where do we go from here?" you questioned, pressing a hand against the pulsating heat of his chest. He smiled gently, pressing a kiss to your forehead before clearing his throat. "I mean, we don't have to go anywhere with this. We can just stay friends if that's what you really want. Yesterday kind of just... happened."

At least you weren't being pressured by him to keep it going. That reassured you. He'd treat you right if this went any further, and he'd respect your boundaries if you put a stop to it. You looked up at him, cupping his face before giving him a small peak on the lips. "I'm fine with it how it is." you smiled, rolling on top of him and straddling his waist.

His hands gripped your hips as you leaned down and kissed him again, melting into your crippling desires as the kiss continued. Something hardened beneath you, a smirk growing across your lips as you began to slowly grind against his crotch.


After you got back from work, you'd made a quick trip to the super market before heading home. Stumbling up two flights of stairs before making it to your apartment, your arms were sore from carrying two bags of groceries on separate arms.

Opening the door, Jeremiah was nowhere to be seen. He must be in the study. "I'm home!" Your voice echoed throughout the apartment, waiting for a response only to be met with a deafening silence. Weird.

Putting the groceries down by the kitchen island, you made your way to the study, knocking on the door before entering. "Miah, you here?" you asked, scanning the room before your eyes rested on a sleeping Jeremiah, leaned back in his chair with a book on his chest. You chuckled, before nudging him awake.

"Hey, I'm back. You ready for dinner?" His eyes shot open, startled awake by your sudden presence. "Sorry." you chuckled, ruffling his matted hair. "No, it's ok. Just had a bad dream is all." Jeremiah reassured, sitting up in his chair and wheeling it back to the desk. "Jerome?" you asked, watching as he got up and turned to you, simply nodding his head in response as he placed the book down on the desk.

"Well, he's locked away in Arkham. You have nothing to worry about." you said, grabbing his hand and leading him out into the kitchen. "You wanna order in or cook something?" Jeremiah asked, sitting at the island. You paused, looking to the pile of groceries laying on the floor before sighing. "I can't be bothered cooking tonight. Pizza good with you?" He nodded, getting up and helping put away the bags of groceries.

Thirty minutes later, you were sprawled across the lounge eating pizza and watching TV when Jeremiah spoke up. "I've been thinking..." He started, eyes glued to the screen. "Mm?" You grumbled through a mouthful of pizza.

He cleared his throat. "What happened before, those things that man did to you... I can't let it happen again." Sighing, you put down the slice of pizza and set your plate aside.

"It won't happen again, I'll catch a bus or something next time. I don't want to keep thinking about it." Jeremiah raised his brow, giving you a knowing look. "You can't just pretend stuff like that never happened." Jeremiah said.

"What do you want me to do? Run and hide from my trauma? Like you?" You scoffed, however seeing the hurt look on his face you regretted it almost immediately.

"Jerome wants me dead. I have no other choice, Y/n." Jeremiah snarled, hesitating as it looked like he was going to say something else but ultimately choosing not to. "You know the things he did to me." His eyes were dark, laced with hate and resentment. It scared you. Slowly, you got up and made your way to your room. "I need some space." You muttered as you walked off.

"Y/N wait!" Jeremiah called after you, sitting up to follow you but stopping as you closed your door, urging him to retreat back to his position on the couch. He'd check on you later, deciding it best to give you some time alone.

Turning onto your side so you were staring at the streets below, you counted the endless lights zooming past, cars cueing at the intersections and honking aggressively.

Gotham had always been more alive at night. When crime ran rampant throughout the city, down every alleyway and on every darkened street corner. Nowhere was safe at night. A soft knocking on your door snapped you out of your thoughts. "You ok in there?" Miah asked, concern riddled through his voice.

"It's unlocked..." You said, rolling over to face him. "I'm sorry, Y/n." Jeremiah said, walking over and sitting on the end of the bed, the mattress sinking under his weight. Silence. "I was going to say..." He hesitated, before swallowing his doubts and continuing. "I want you to move into the bunker with me."

You smiled softly, sitting up and embracing him in a long hug, burying your face into his chest. He lifted your chin up so you were making direct eye contact, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. "I'll always keep you safe Y/N, I promise." he said, pulling you back into is chest.


Well. It's been a hot minute since I've updated this. Does this mean I'm back? Yep! However I'm not going to be updating every single day or week. Senior school has just hit me like a fucking truck and I'm working my way through it. Also major writers block and a lack of motivation to write, but I'll be updating a lot more frequently now! See you guys soon!

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