chapter three

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     "Don't you think it's weird?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow, confused with the vague question.

"What's weird?" I ask to clarify. Liam gestures to me, "That you're able to do all these things. Get inside peoples' heads, move things with your mind, control electricity and fire, and be super smart?"

"To me, no. It's not really weird since I've been able to do it for quite some time now." I chuckle as I answer.

He sighs, leaning against the side of the van wall, "Then what's your favorite one?"

I shrug, "I don't know, maybe orange or blue. I like that I'm able to get inside someone's head, experience what they do and have the ability to control them, you know? And blue — blue is amazing. Like, I'm able to lift something that would usually take twenty people with my mind! It's crazy." He chuckles at my description, a smile holding its place on his lips.

I readjust my position in the van, crossing my legs as Liam and I continue to talk. "So, how did you guys survive all this time?"

     Liam shrugs, "For food and stuff, we usually go on supply runs in some place there isn't a lot of activity. We survive by being discreet." He looked to his hand in his lap momentarily, "But the biggest part of us surviving was being able to rely on each other. We — We have each other's backs."

     I smile as he continues to talk about Zu and Charles, "You really care about them, don't you?"

     Liam nods, "I do. They're my family." I follow his eyes as he looks out the van to where the two were sitting on the sidewalk. "Do you have anyone?"

I was taken aback by his question, my mouth opening slightly as I tried to answer, "Uh, not really." I shake my head, "Not anymore." My gaze falls to my hands in my lap.

A moment of silence falls over us before Liam's hand finds its way to my knee. Setting his hand there, he visibly makes a decision and speaks up, "Now you do. I know we're still kind of strangers, but just know that you got us now. You got me."

     I look up and meet his gaze as my hand falls over his in a thankful manner, "Thank you." Liam nods with a small smile as a blush creeps up on his cheeks, making me chuckle slightly.

     The sound of leaves crunching makes me look outside the opened door on the van to Charles. "We need to go out for supplies, we're almost out of food."

     Liam nods, "Okay, get your stuff. We'll go into town." Charles agrees and goes to help Zu gather her things.

     "Park over here, we can walk the rest of the way." Charles points a few yards away from the abandoned minimart, Liam following his direction and parking where he was told.

We all climb out of the van, Zu hoists her backpack onto her shoulders, already trekking towards the small building. "What things do we need?" I ask, tossing an empty bag over my shoulder.

Liam shrugs, "Food, drinks, the usual stuff. Just grab the essentials and whatever else you can carry. We'll meet y'all in there in a minute."

I nod in response, jogging to catch up to Zu as her bright gloved hands rip open the back door to the mart. She holds it open and shuts it gently after I enter. We stand there for a second and look around, making sure no one else was here.

Zu looks up at me for confirmation, I nod, telling her to go ahead. Once she leaves down one of the isles I walk the other way.

I grab a few bottles of water and soda, putting them in the bag. The bottom of my shoes makes a subtle clicking noise as I step towards the sweets isle.

A box of Twinkies sits on the shelf that I quickly grab and shove into my bag. I bite the inside of my cheek, hoping to find more as my eyes scan the shelves.

I squat, checking the bottom shelf, grinning as I grab the last Hostess Cupcake box. "Thought you could hide from me, huh?" I put the snack inside my bag and continue to gather other food.

     As I make my way down what used to be the frozen food isle, a squeaking noise echos in the minimart. My eyes dart up, suddenly becoming very aware of my surroundings. Taking a chance, I peek around one of the shelves, "Zu?"

     The sound of sneakers hitting the tile of the mart ring out as Zu comes into my view. Her face is contorted in fear as she slides to a small stop in front of me, grabbing my hand and trying to tug me along with her.

     I refuse to move. Why was she running? I grab Zu's hand, stopping her and turning her to face me. "What's wrong? Zu, why are you —"

     My question is cut off by a loud crash of one of the shelves hitting the floor. "Stay behind me." She obeys and steps behind me.

     I can feel my eyes begin to swarm with a vibrant blue color, ready for an attack. The sound of a gun being cocked rings out, giving me all I need to know. My eyes quickly change from their blue color to a powerful red.

     "Zu, get outside and get Liam and Charles!" I order, making her run.

     An internal feeling of heat spreads throughout my body, making my skin glow. The feeling spreads to my hands, focusing the energy.

     I don't hesitate to let the fire rush out of my hands and into the surrounding area.

     Once I'm sure, I let the fire seep back into my hands and my eyes to turn back to their normal color. I look around, met with charred remains of the wooden shelves and ashes of the boxes of food.

     Satisfied with my work, I turn and begin to walk to the exit. The cracklings of leftover fire almost masks the sound of the footsteps that don't belong to me. Almost.

     Instinctively, my eyes turn back to the bright blue color. My hand shooting out to restrain the cause of the footsteps. I'm met with a lady holding a gun.

Using my telekinesis, I lift the woman into the air, causing her to drop the gun. "Who are you?"

A slight look of confusion makes its way to her face, "Better question: who are you?"

I chuckle, "None of your business. Now, here's your options. I will put you back down and we can both forget this ever happened and walk away. Or, I could let you pick the way you die. Your choice."

All of a sudden, my power over the woman is ripped away. I look to my right, seeing Liam standing with his hand outstretched.

"Third option," He uses his power to slam the lady into the wall, knocking her unconscious. "Knock her out and run."

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