chapter ten

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hi! just wanted to thank you all for reading this story and commenting and voting, it really means a lot! i also wanted to apologize for my terrible job at updating, but i wanted to ask if any of you had ideas on a faceclaim for emily? if you do, just leave them in the comments :)

   "Emily?" Dr. Shawl's voice interrupts me playing Mario Kart on my Nintendo. I look up to see he has a smile on his face. "Are you ready for your first test?"

   I nod slowly as I set my game down beneath my pillow and walk to him. "Don't worry. You'll do just fine, and before you know it, you'll get to go home."

   He leads me out the door, our footsteps echoing off of the close walls as we turn down a few hallways and I'm taken into a different room.

   Closing the door behind me, I see a large chair that resembles one I sat in at the dentist. "You hop up in the chair and we can get this over with." The man smiles again, trying to be comforting, but now it's just getting slightly creepy. I do what I'm told and sit in the chair, tapping my fingers on the armrest while looking up at the big machine above me.

"What does that thing do?" I point up to it, looking over at him.

"That machine scans your head. It makes sure that everything is working normally and that your healthy." He replies as he types in a few things on a keyboard, glancing between what he's typing and the screen in front of him. "Alright, Emily. Look over here."

He rolls backwards in his chair, moving to a chart posted up on the wall next to him. "This chart shows a few different colors, each color means something. Green means really smart, blue means you can move things without touching them, yellow means that you can control electricity, and red and orange are . . . dangerous."

   I nod along as he points to each one, looking them over again a few times. "If you like solving problems and puzzles, you're most likely a green, which is good." The man gives a smile as he rolls back to his desk, typing a few more things before speaking again. "Okay, just stay still for me."

I do as he says, letting a low breath out and trying to hold still. I stay like that for another minute or so, until Dr. Shawl speaks up again, "Emily? Good news, you're a blue. Isn't that exciting? You can move things with your mind!"

   This wasn't a complete shock to me, considering just a few days beforehand I had thrown my backpack across my room without even touching it. "Does that mean I can go back to my room now?"

"Um . . . Emily you can't go back yet, we still have to do a few more tests, but these will be fun. You'll get to use your powers." He tries to show excitement.

The images begin to fade, blackness creeping up on the edges of them. "Wait . . . what happened?" Liam's voice echoes throughout my head and sends me to reality once more.

I shake my head slowly. "I—I must've lost the connection, I am kind of tired. Sorry."

"It's alright, Em. It was just really cool, almost like a movie and it was kind of getting to the good part." I give a drowsy chuckle at his comparison.

"I'm glad you thought it was entertaining."

   "Wait, so if you have electrokinesis like Zu, then why don't you have to wear gloves?" Chubs stuffs a few items of clothes into a backpack while he asks the question.

I shrug a little. "I don't know, I guess I can control it better. Most of the time, my body just usually focuses on the one thing I need to use, everything else is just . . . dormant, I suppose."

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