Chapter 6

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After yesterday,(Y/n) is quite known for her quirk.Nobody have never seen a quirk like her's.Students in U.A. will always ask about her quirk.She would always say 'Psychic' but for the does not seen like psychic.

(Y/n) continued everyday as casual day reporters swarms U.A. out of the sudden.(Y/n) was running late since she accidentally short curcuit her alarm clock with her quirk. When (Y/n) arrived at school,she heard...

"I can't believe it!They always shut us away just because we want to get the news for U.A!" Complained a woman that is obviously a reporter.(Y/n) squeeze through the crowd and was able to get in.

(Y/n) POV

Oh gosh,hearing the reporters complain just made my head aches.Why are they even here anyways?I I shrugged off the thoughts that spining in my head.No teachers has came yet.

"There is going a class representative!" Said Sino Fromos,one of the students of class 1-A.

Everyone was going mayhem for the election for class representative.Its not that obvious that Risu prefere not to be choosen since he savour the sidelines.The problem is that everyone wants to be the class representative.

A piece of paper was headed to every single students and write the name of the students the voted.Of course some people will vote for themselves while some won't.I can here everyone saying it all over again.

"I the best at becoming the class representative!"

"No,I am better suited!"

"Im in needed to become class representative!"

After the voting,I got...4 VOTES!?That is the most vote received!

"Who the hell voted for (L/n)!?" Yelled the class bully or as i like to call it 'Doofus'.He was furious and I swore I steam coming out from his ear.

After that chaos is over,a new one started!Every students in U.A. was running to the front door.

"What happened?!" I asked.

"There is a bunch of reporters in front of the doors of U.A." Replied a boy that's has been pushed along the crowd.

And without and excuse,I somehow got draged along into the crowd and so did class 1-A.It was crampt and awful,not because of the pain but because of the smell of peoples armpitts,Ewwww!

I manage to take a peek outside the window and three teachers are calming down the reporters.

"Calm down please!" Said one of the teachers in a gentle voice

After a few complaints and INSULTS from the reporters,I had it.I used my quirk in a form of mind control but it wasn't powerful enough to control all of them but I manage to control their movement of legs,walking themselves back out of the gate.

As I thought I was using to much power that i blacked out.


After the reporters,weirdly walked away.The staff and faculty member quickly repaired the gate so no one could break in...again.Once they went in,they saw an uncouncious (Y/n) on the cold floor.Then it became crystal clear,it was (Y/n) who took care of the reporters.(Y/n) was then taken to the nurse office for treatment and resting.

Once (Y/n) regained counciousness,she found an axious Shurude and Deku waiting for her.(Y/n) was thankful that they waited for her...but not the one hiding in the shadows.


DISCLAIMER:The story is still undergoing and is not finish yet.

Thank you for reading from 'Heads Ups' till Chapter 6.I really appreciate it.

Ja ne konekos!

P.S. Spread about this book,please!

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