5:When The Truth Comes Out....

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Riah POV

i woke up in the arms of Jacob. i was wearing his big ass t shirt and he was shirtless. i felt so warm and safe in his arms. i couldnt beleive what happend to me. its like i always thought rape only happened in the movies or in sad stories. but it could happen to anybody. and that somebody was me. i feel so dirty and used, i felt like i was cheating even though it was forced upon me. i didnt know who i was dancing on. it was dark and i was having a good time. i thought it was Chres or Myles or someone i knew. but it was someone i hated, Jordan.why out of all the people in the world, it had to be jordan? okay maybe i put off the wrong message by giving him my hardest. but i made it clear i wasnt trying to do nothing when i realized who it was. anyways, it was Saturday morning and we didnt have school. i got out of bed which woke up Jacob. " goodmorning beautiful" he said to me as he smiled. "Good Morning babe" i softly spoke. i feel like ever since the whole situation, its hard for me to speak. im just so traumatized. Jacob let out a sigh. he knew why i was acting this way. and he was frustrated that he couldnt do anything about it. i wish he wouldve got there sooner. why wasnt he there when Jordan slapped me? that question played through my mind like a song on repeat. it eventually started to think out loud. Jacob stood there with a disgusted and confused face. " i was looking all over the place for you. when i found you he had already touched you. i beat his ass for you. risked my life for you. i saved you. im sorry i wasnt there to YOUR convenience." he yelled. ive never seen Jacob this heated, i really got him mad, but he wasnt there, he didnt get almost raped. he doesnt understand "you dont understand what it was  like Jacob!" i yelled. it was true. he didnt. " well you dont know what its like to see the love of your life laying on the ground getting raped! that shit stays in your mind! dont act like your the only one thats hurting! you act like i never came to save you at all! you think i wanted this to happen to you? i didnt! im mentally traumatized. but you dont see me moping around quiter than a fuckin church mouse! you act like your life is ruined and over cuz you barely got raped! people die from rape every fuckin day! you were lucky enough to have a boyfriend who risked their life for you! my sister didnt. she got raped and killed in the same situation you did. so dont act like everything is over. your fine. act like it." he yelled as tears escaped his eyes. i didnt know about that situation. i didnt even know he had a sister. i get that he was mad, but he had no reason to yell at me that hard. i grabbed some sweats from his closet. got my phone and purse and left. i walked home. when i got home i just went straight to my room and cried. i forgot Gabi was still at Jacobs house but i didnt care. she would find a way home so what ever.

Gabi POV

I heard everything. i mean the guest room was next door to Jacobs room so ya. Riah is overreacting. like wtf why is she actin glike no one tried to help her. she'll get over it and be back with Jacob on no time. but idk about Jacob. all i hear is crying from his room. so i decided to go check on him. " hey Jacob you good"   i asked. he didnt respond just cried a lil harder. i walked over to his bed and patted his back " i miss her so much" he mumbled in his pillow. "who Riah?" i asked. " no, m-my s-sister" he said as he broke down into harder tears. " i w-wasnt there to s-save her. and now s-shes g-gone" he said while balling his eyes out. a few tears dropped from my eyes. i never got to know the emotional side of Jacob. he seemed like a average jock with a perfect life. but his life was far from perfect. " what happend with your sister" i asked. he sat up and whiped his eyes " when i was 7 i lived with my mom my REAL dad and my sister. things were great until my Dad started doing drugs and drinking alot. he used to hit and abuse us all. one night my mom came into my room crying and she told me to pack my stuff and go to the car. i did what i was told. i packed everything i ever owned. i held the bracelet my sister got me in one hand and everything else in another, as i walked down the stairs i heard my sister screams and a guy grunting. i heard slaps and thumping from upstairs but i didnt know what it was. me being a nosy ass lil child i walked into the room and saw my sister. laying there dead. i knife in her h-head and my father hunched over her raping her. i didnt understand completely what was going on. but something in my heart was telling me too do something. i charged at my dad only to be held back by my mom, who was crying her eyes out and trying not to see my Sister's body. i got dragged out of the room crying my eyes out. we went to stay at my grandma's house. after awhile my mom got re married and we moved in with him. thats now the guy i call dad. hes more than a dad to me. he gave me something to call home. but i wish my sister couldve been here with us. she d-did'nt deserve it" he cried. i was in tears by the end of the story. i hugged him tight. i saw a gold bracelet hung on his wall. that mustve been the bracelet his sister gave him. " sometimes its better to let go then dwell on the past" i said. as he started to get himself together. "thanks for being here" he said softly while smiling a lil bit. " no prob" i said as i whiped a tear  from under his eye with my thumb and gave a re assuring smile and a friendly kiss on the cheek. i got up, got my stuff and went home. Riah was in her room balling her eyes out. i walked past her room and to mine. she expected me to talk to her but i wasnt gonna. Riah has nothing to be crying about. at least she has her life. She walked in my room. "yes" is said in a kinda rude tone. " i need to talk to someone'' she said. "talk" i said getting comfortable on my bed. " i cant beleive Jacob would yell at me like that, he doesnt understand what i went through so he cant relate. he didnt even call and apologize." she cried. that set me off " your acting like a ungrateful bitch, ya Jordan quote on quote raped you but your alive, you got slapped and ate out. Jacob's sister was raped and stabbed in front of him. by his own father. maybe if you wouldve listened to Jacob instead of storming out like a lil girl who didnt get her way you would realize that. your saying he would never understand what your going through but you'll never unsterdstand what he went through, so compare your situation to his and then cry about getting fuckin slapped and aten out." i said. she looked kinda suprised but also guilty. part of me felt wrong but she needed to understand that not everyone is gonna feel bad for her and apologize when something happens. 

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