epilogue, part i

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"What is it, Pete?" Edmund seemed so confused then that Peter almost didn't believe what the lion had said. "What did Aslan say?" Peter shook his head, grabbing his brother by the arm and leading him out of the throne room, into one of the many corridors in the palace - how were they going to live here and not get lost every five minutes? "Seriously, Pete, what is it? Did Aslan say something bad?" Peter shook his head again.

"He said you had something to give me, something about Phoebe. I don't know how he knew, but if you do, please, Ed, whatever it is, I need to see it." Peter's voice cracked at the end of the statement, his emotions threatening to overflow. He'd been able to put on somewhat of a mask through most of the coronation, but he knew it would spill over soon. Edmund looked down at his feet. Had Aslan been right?

"She told me before the battle that she knew she was going to die," Edmund said, still not looking at his brother, "I helped her write some letters, and she did give me something for you. They're in my room, though, and we probably shouldn't leave the hall for too long." Peter shot his brother an incredulous look. "Or we could go now, I guess." Peter nodded, pushing his brother forwards.

As they made their way through the halls of Cair Paravel, taking several wrong turns all the while, Peter couldn't help but turn it over in his mind. Why had Phoebe told Edmund and not him? Did she trust Edmund more than him? Peter couldn't help it, that stung. He'd known Phoebe better than Edmund had. Still, Peter wanted to know what Phoebe had written, what she'd given Edmund to give to him. His curiosity had peaked.

He stayed in his own thoughts until he reached Edmund's room. "Ed, wait," Peter said, halting his brother right before they entered the room, "Why didn't you give it to me before?" His brother looked down at the floor again.

"I just... Well, I knew what was in the letter, Pete, and I know what she had to say to you, and I thought that maybe, waiting till the coronation was over and all that would've been better. But if you want to read it now, it's fine. It's your letter. She meant it for you, and I'm not going to stop you from reading it. Besides, I doubt you'll be going back to the coronation anyway, hey?" Peter smiled a little, and he pulled his younger brother in for a hug, holding him tightly. It was bizarre, Edmund being the one to comfort Peter. He supposed everyone needed someone to lean on sometimes. "They're on your bed. Yours is the one with your name on it." Peter chuckled at that before letting his brother go. "I'll go tell Lu and Susan."

Peter smiled at his younger brother before taking a deep breath and walking into the room. His brother's room didn't look lived-in or used at all, but he figured they'd barely been there for a few hours. It was strange how quickly his life had turned upside down - barely a few days ago they were back in England, at the Professor's manor. Barely a few days ago, he hadn't known Phoebe. It was like time had changed entirely. There was a small stack of letters on Edmund's bed, names written on them in remarkably shaky handwriting. Then again, Phoebe hadn't known how to write for long. Peter smiled a little at the memory of him writing letters in the dirt with a stick, teaching Phoebe how to write them.

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