Move in with Me (Edited)

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You finally finish packing your last box and placing it in the back of your car. How you managed to fit everything it there? Well, you weren't exactly sure either. You riskily crammed the boxes with all your things to carry even less boxes and folded the back seats of your car to have more room. Plus, you didn't have much stuff, anyway. Hoarding and collecting unnecessary items wasn't very ideal for your one room, one bathroom apartment.

"Is everything set in there?" Shane pops up from behind you. You turn and give him a nod and you both got in the car with Shane riding shot gun.

"Where are you going to live while you're looking for a place?" He asks, uncharacteristically fiddling with the vents in front of him, it was clear that there was something on his mind.

"I dunno," you shrug, keeping your eyes on the road. "I'm temporarily staying in Freddie's place. Her roomie just moved out too."

"Why not just live there, then?"

"I want a house of my own." You tell him. "Independence and all." you joke.

"Oh." He said, disappointment oddly in his tone.

"Do you want me to live with her?" You ask, completely oblivious.

"Nah." He slouches on his seat. "Just thought maybe you were sick of living alone all the time."

"I am, sometimes. But there are some joys living alone, I guess. More space and more privacy. No one complains to you and shit. Also, I just want a bigger space."

"Don't you get lonely?"

You thought for a moment then nodded.

"I do, but I guess I really enjoy it when you come around. It's a little less lonely."

"And a lot more private." He wiggles his eyebrows and you just laugh.

"Very true. So I guess I'm not lonely all the time, plus I usually spend more time in your place than mine." You tell him with an as-matter-of-fact tone.

He stays silent and hesitant for a while before finally speaking.

"Then move in with me." He blurts almost a little too quickly.

Oddly enough, you were surprised. It's not that you didn't want to, it's because you've never thought of it before. You've always been so used to living alone that the thought of moving in with your boyfriend slipped out of your mind.

"Okay." You reply flatly, and this time it's Shane's turn to be stupefied.

"Wait, that's it?"

"Well, yeah, I mean I stay in your place most of the time, we hang out a lot, and you're practically my boyfriend." You chuckle. "So yeah, I'll move in with you, I mean what else were you expecting."

"I thought you'd think about it more."

"Well I certainly didn't, and I do wish I wouldn't regret it." You flash Shane a look, and in an instant he already knows what you're trying to point out.

He shakes his head on shame, grinning bashfully.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm a messy person, but hopefully once you settle in, I'd learn how to be cleaner."

You roll your eyes.

"Then it's settled, I'm calling Freddie to tell her I'm not staying in her place anymore. At least she wouldn't have to worry about another noisy roommate."

"This is going to be fun." Shane says a bit enthusiastically. "We're going be like a married couple."

"And yell at people for getting near our lawn." You reply.

"I said married couple, not old married couple. And it's an apartment complex, not a suburban neighborhood."

"Then I'd yell at people from our balcony."

"Or," He turns to you. "We could wake up everyday and have breakfast in the balcony,"

"And smell the city smog." You added.

"And sip coffee." He says, instinctively holding your free right hand as your left remains on the steering wheel.

"Then we could stay up all night watching movies and not worry about going home late." You tell him, intertwining your fingers with his despite your eyes still glued to the road ahead of you.

Outside you pass by Freddie's familiar apartment complex and a new feeling of excitement, enthusiasm, maturity and commitment all at once overwhelmed you. The hand holding with Shane even elevated the feeling and you couldn't help but feel excited to move in with him.

"And have pillow fights." He adds. "And be noisy because I don't have neighbors that live directly beside me. So you can scream and moan all night."

You then let go of his hand and playfully smack him on the chest, earning a laugh and chuckle from him.

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