Milkshake for Two (Edited)

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Requested by Little_Miss_Ghostly
I really, really love this idea and I think it's extremely adorable! Thanks for the request xD
Hope you all enjoy!

Your agenda for today is to spend your Sunday with friends. You've been a little too busy lately, so much so that you haven't been talking to either Shane or Ryan or anyone at all, but finally you're done with all the deadlines and with that you're finally free to do anything.

You three decided to meet up in a fifties themed diner, even wearing themed outfits just for fun. Now you're walking ever so confidently down the streets, sometimes gaining looks of approval from passerby's as you strut in your low key fifties outfit, looking and pretty in pastel.

You enter the diner, looking confident and all, pleased to see that there are some other people who also decided to keep up with the theme. Some went low key, some went all out, and some didn't really dress up at all. Though you kept your outfit simple, it still earned some gazes because it really fitted you nicely. The bodice nicely hug your shape and figure, the skirt stopping below your knees and the pastel color complimenting your skin tone, match it off with a simple hairstyle. You look absolutely stunning in such a simple, effortless look, and maybe that is why some people would say that simplicity is beauty.

Scanning the diner for a familiar face, your eyes land on a familiar lanky man sitting on a bar stool by the bar, his slouched back facing you. You notice that he is also keeping it low key with the theme, sporting a nice dress shirt and just some suspenders, not to mention that he looks absolutely dashing. You waste no time to approach him, your skirt lightly fluttering as you walk.

"Hey you." You greet, casually sitting on the bar stool beside him.

"Hey, you." He greets back, eyeing you from top to bottom. "You look absolutely stunning." He jokingly says and you give him a playful slap on the arm.

"Well thank you, you don't look so bad yourself."

"Oh this? Coming up with this is really easy. Good thing I kept those suspenders after that photo shoot for True Crime." He says, proudly displaying his outfit to you.

"Well, it really suits you. I'm surprised you even went for the theme."

Shane shrugs. "It's not everyday you get to dress like this. And like you said, it suits me."

You laugh at him, then realize that one more particular person is missing in action.

"Is Ryan not here yet?" You ask Shane.

"He couldn't make it." He says. "Mari got sick, he needs to take care of her."

"Oh, well I hope she gets well soon."

"They'll be fine." He shrugs off. "For now, we need food."

He ordered a classic burger while you settled for chili fries, too scared to order something greasy and messy, it might ruin your outfit. "Oh wow, I forgot how good this place is." Shane says with a full mouth.

"Chew you food first." You tell him.

"Yes, mom."

Shane is right, the food was absolutely great, even if it was just chili fries, it really was something. You both quickly ate your food and there was nothing left to do but to talk and catch up with Shane since it's really been a while since you've properly hung out. Suddenly in the middle of your conversation, the speakers suddenly played a loud, familiar tune of an Elvis song. People suddenly start cheering and standing from their seats as they all dance to the tune of Jailhouse Rock. Not to mention that they were all dancing sock hop to fit the theme, it really feels like you're in 1950.

"Well would you look at that." Shane smiles then turns to you. "I suppose you know how to dance sock hop?"

"I obviously don't." You face him. "Don't tell me you do. " you tease.

"I don't."

"Oh." you frown.

"But," he reassures. "I do know how to do those twisty things."

You smile at him. Shane holds his hand out to you and you gladly take it. "Let's go." He suddenly drags you to the crowd of people dancing to Elvis and as you finally get to the center, He takes both of your hands and dances. You follow his lead, twisting and turning and as soon as you know it, you're dancing with him. You don't have a pattern, really you're just twidtng over and over again and sometimes Shane would twirl you around, but you don't care, dancing with Shane is so much fun.

As the song ends, you both breathlessly walk back to your seats, still hand in hand.

"Well that was something." He says, out of breath.

"That was so much fun! I didn't know you knew how to dance!" you beam at him.

"Anyone can do that, (Y/n), it's just twisting and turning."

"I suppose." You huff as you too are out of breath.

"I need a drink." You say, fanning yourself with your hand.

"I know what you need. " Shane grins.

"That's how big it is?!" you exclaim, staring wide-eyed at the large milkshake served in front of you.

"Yeah, well what did you expect? It already said it on the name." Shane chuckles at your expression.

"I Just didn't expect it to be that large."

"Well then savor it, it's on me." He smiles.

"I really couldn't thank you enough, Shane Madej." You smile.

You grab some straws from the straw holder and pass one to Shane. "Here." you say, holding it out to him.

He looks at it hesitantly.

"It's your milkshake. " he says.

"Well I can't drink it alone."

Shane smiles and takes the straw.

You both put the straws in the drink and take a sip at the same time, savoring the colorful flavor this huge milkshake has to offer. It was surprisingly full of flavor, you can taste some strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, even a bit of banana in there. "This is really good." you say, genuinely surprised.

"I know!" Shane exclaim, taking another long sip of the milkshake. "I should've ordered this back then whenever I eat here."

"Getting this milkshake was a great idea. You really know what to get." You tease him and take another long sip too.

Shane then releases and puts his head up from the drink, a small spot of whip cream by the corner of his mouth. You giggle at the sight.

"What is it?" He asks.

"You've got a little something." you chuckle, pointing at his face. He just raises his brow at you, not sure if you're joking or not. You roll your eyes at him and just did it yourself, your hand reaching up to his face as your thumb softly wipes the corner of his lips. You then can feel his cheeks heat up and honestly, your cheeks were burning up too. You don't know what type of courage you had in you at that moment, but you don't really care. Your faces are a few inches apart and you couldn't help but smile as you both look intently at each others' eyes. But suddenly the speaker plays loudly again, another song from the 1950's conjured up the people in the diner to dance again. This tore your gazes apart from each other as you both were startled by the loud strum of an electric guitar. People start getting up and dancing like they did to that Elvis Presley song earlier. Shane then looks at you with another suggestive look and grins.

"You think you can go for another?" He asks despite knowing the answer. You smile at him and take his hand, this time you will be the one who's going to drag him to that dance floor.

"Let's go."

Yes, I am fully aware (esp because of you guys in the comments) that there's a part in the fic that kind of takes a weird turn, but get your mind outta the gutters! Yes, it's an innuendo, and it's there to mess with ya'll heheh.

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