When In Vegas (Edited)

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Requested by goodbyepluto

I have never done a wedding imagine before and this is a new thing for me tho xD
I personally think maybe Shane wouldn't be the traditional type so I made this wedding a unique one :3
This is my first time writing a fic with marraige in it, I hope it's not at all bad :")

For a week you disappeared somewhere around the country, jumping from state to state and from city to city. You could say that it's a quarter-life crisis thing (like a midlife crisis, but earlier in your age), but you don't exactly know what triggered it. You just felt a little hopeless lately and decided to just do for once without even thinking.

So you eloped with Shane.

You both went to a road trip together, going to states and cities, some big, some small, some a little bit weird, but none was ever boring.

For some reason, he was into this whole thing too, leaving all your friends wondering where you've gone to, why you've been absent from the office for like a week now. All of them were worried because they somehow thought that you and Shane had broken up, thus resulting to you and him taking a break from the world. Literally. But right now, that's not the case.

You stick your head out the window of the passenger seat and the car speeds down the desert highway, your hair flailing about in the wind. Sunnies covering your eyes as the sun intensely shines down on you.

Shane is beside you, driving. He was on it with the shades thing too, but he can't exactly stick his head out as he thinks it's dangerous. You both may be carefree, but Shane doesn't have that daredevil attitude of yours.

You both finally cheer as a familiar, glittering sign of Las Vegas finally comes to view. Now here you are both in sin city, the last city stop until you head back home for good (because really, you can't truly escape your responsibilities).

From casinos, to bars, and to five-star restaurants, you really went all out for tonight with Shane donning on some nice coat and slacks and you with your little black dress with fringes at the bottom, a somehow modern twist of a flapper dress, a fitting dress for such occasion.

But the night was so limited and though the city never slept, it did get old over time.

You're now both sitting on top of your car in some parking lot with so much money but nothing to do, no where to go. Maybe it's the adventure - seeking thrill that had worn off as your deadline neared, or maybe all those champagne you drank in the casinos, you couldn't really be exact, but there's this feeling inside you that keeps nagging you to go do something, your time is limited and you wouldn't be able to do this again.

"What now?" Shane asks out of nowhere. You look at him and he's just as bummed as you are. You take hold of his hand and leaned onto him.

"I honestly don't know," You tell him. "but we can't just sit here. I don't want to waste our time here."

"Then are you deciding to go home early?"

You thought for a moment then shook your head.

"Hell no. Not yet, we're not leaving so soon."

You jump of the car and pull Shane with you.

"Let's go do something." You look at him and hold both of his hands. "Something crazy, a bit scary a guess, but something fun."

"Try and steal from a cop?"

You scrunch you nose and shake your head.

"Something that won't get us to jail.

Shane Madej x readerWhere stories live. Discover now