breaking the silence

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warning for references to torture, and PTSD, deaf clint and mute peter

the interview w/ tyler joseph was not just a chance for me to think about what would've happened, no sir

(maybe it was okay but if a man has an imagination he USES it alright)

May pulled up to Stark Tower at 3 am, bags under her eyes. Stark was sitting in the passenger seat,  and Peter was placed in the back seat. He was wrapped up in a fluffy Cinderella blanket. His fluffy curls were poking out of the top, and he was passed out.

Stark smiled at his reflection, and reached back to wipe a trail of drool off of Peter's lip. He was peaceful, and it was probably the first time in a while that he'd been that way.

"Gentle with his cheek," Rhodey mumbled. There was a neat row of stitches covered in a bandage that Tony barely grazed with the back of his hand, but it still startled Peter awake. "Now look what you've done, Tones."

Peter stared at Tony for a moment then opened his mouth.

Nothing came out. Nothing but a tiny little squeak.

"Aw, Pete." Tony cooed. If it was a sound, it was worth celebrating. They were having a difficult time getting him to talk, so 'yay for small victories' basically summed up the last week at the tower.

"Be careful with him, Tony, he just had his face sewn together," May smiled lightly, in a better mood than she usually had been since Peter had gotten back.

"I know, I know."

Peter squeaked again, and pointed to his throat. Tony sighed and handed him the water.

"I think we're gonna have to teach him baby signs or something," He whispered to May, as Rhodey helped Peter not to spill the water bottle on himself.

Peter groaned when he heard the suggestion. He shook his head and crossed his arms. The bandage was gone now, and all that was left were the stitches. He stuck his lip out in a pout.

"Peter, just because they're called baby signs doesn't mean they're for babies," Clint said. "I used baby signs when i wasn't confident enough to talk."

Peter's chin wobbled. Damn. Tony looked at Steve, who looked horrified at the child's hurt facial expression. Why was he crying?

"Peter, I get that you're upset..."

Peter through his arm across the table, slamming books down to the floor in the process. He let out a long, low groan, and left the room.

It was starting to get annoying. It didn't seem like Peter was even trying to start talking again. No matter how much anyone pressured him, he refused to learn.

And yes, it was frustrating.

Did that give Tony the right to do what he did? No, but he still did it anyway.

They were lying down in the movie room, all of them; the Avengers, plus some, and Peter was in the middle of it all. He seemed so comfortable, pressed against the blankets and Thor's soft chest.

And, when he felt sick, he didn't tell them. He just moaned.

And then threw up all over Tony's favorite sleep shirt.

Okay, looking back on it, Tony probably—no, definitely overreacted, but he was frustrated and tired and worried for his kid and he just snapped.

He jumped up and yelled out. Peter was sobbing, curling into Thor and signing 'Sorry, sorry' over and over.

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